Runners stay fit

McDaniel’s Photography

Runners work hard to stay fit. They participate in many after school runs and also stay active on the weekends. Each athlete is determined to improve.

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster

Spring track is well under way, and athletes are active and in the full swing of the season. These runners work hard after practice each day.

Sophomore Lily Martinson said, “The workouts we have been having are tough, but they’re worth it. It took me a few weeks to get back into shape, but now I’m feeling good.

Each workout brings new challenges for runners. One of the components of running that athletes and coaches work on most is mental toughness.

Martinson said, “Every week workouts get easier, which is something to keep you motivated to work hard during the tough ones.”

The runners have practice for two and a half to three hours everyday after school. These practices include running, stretching and working on strengthening parts of the body.

Senior Sophia Wiedmann said, “After some practices, I’m sore where I didn’t even know I could be sore. That sounds weird, but it’s true. Each workout works a different part of my body.”

These athletes work hard in practice to achieve great things in meets. Track runners participated in winter track, which excelled, and are hoping that this season will bring the same kind of results.