Hurricane Matthew pounds into Haiti

Matthew is predicted to be a very damaging storm with strong winds and heavy rainfall. Haiti is the first area affected and others are expected to follow. Cuba is preparing for the storm due to their close proximity.
October 7, 2016
An extremely dangerous storm has arrived in the Caribbean area, already killing several people and causing ships to change course. Officials in the area have been prompted to declare states of emergency.
In particular, the hurricane has hit Haiti the hardest, the Category 4 storm making a landfall near Les Anglais, on Tuesday morning, Oct. 4, 2016. An hour into the hurricane, it was charging north at 10 mph inland.
“Natural disasters are such tragic events, especially hurricanes. The loss of life and homes is so difficult to recover from,” said Sarah Sotropa, 12.
Even though the eye of the storm has passed, great damages to homes are expected. Strong winds and heavy rains are leading to possible flash floods and mudslides.
“The aftermath of this natural disaster will definitely be harmful. I hope the nations get help and resources they need,” said Lily Retford, 12.
According to CNN, up to 40 inches of rain could be dumped onto the struggling nation. They are still recovering from a tragic earthquake that occurred six years ago and a cholera outbreak that followed.
“Haiti has been affected by so many horrible events and I hope that their recovery is swift. Hurricanes need to be taken seriously so I hope they take caution,” said Grace Deng, 9.
As the hurricane ravages through Haiti, other nations such as the Bahamas, Cuba, and the United States are taking precautions to prepare for the incoming storm.