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  • NO SCHOOL - Feb. 13 - 14 - Professional Learning Day
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences (Virtual) - Feb. 13 @ 3:45 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - Feb. 17 - Presidents Day
  • Fashion for the Cure (FFTC) - Feb. 21
  • Cabaret - Feb. 22 @ 7 pm
  • ACT Exam - Feb. 25
  • Choir/Fine Arts Show - Feb. 25 @ 7 pm
  • Band Concert - Feb. 27 @ 7 pm
  • Art Show Opening Night - Feb. 28 @ 5:30 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

All content by MCT Campus
FRESH. Offering fruits and vegetables at the famers’ market every Wednesday is a huge score in drawing in costumers. Enjoy the last session on October 4. Be sure to be checking updates for the Blue Ash Farmers’ Market to make sure you know when fresh produce is easy to find again.

[Photo] Farming season ends

Sara Margolis, Staff Writer
October 4, 2017
FLEE. This picture was taken in the previous years of forest fires that Montana is frequently victim to. The drought and dry land makes the forest fire spread even more. “The period from July to August was the hottest and driest on record in Montana, and our fire season started about a month earlier than it usually does,” said fire information officer Angela Wells, according to The New York Times.

[Photo] Forests going up in flames

Allyson Bonhaus, Feature Chief
September 17, 2017
Devin Johnson brushes his teeth as his girlfriend and caregiver, Tayler Miller, assists on January 11, 2013. Johnson recently learned to grip the toothbrush well enough to perform the task. (Autumn Payne/Sacramento Bee/MCT)

[Photo] No stain, no gain

Jessica Lu, Staff Writer
May 17, 2017
PICTURE PERFECT Simone Biles poses with her dance partner Sasha Farber for “Dancing with the Stars” (DWTS) pictures. Biles is not the first gymnast from her group, the Final Five, to compete in DWTS. Laurie Hernandez, 16, won the mirror ball trophy last year.

[Photo] Biles tangoes to top

Maddi Saunders, Staff Writer
April 13, 2017
TRAUMA. President Donald Trump previously banned refugees from Syria amongst other Middle Eastern countries. However the travel ban was soon turned over due to the lack of specificity. “We have to stop the missile before it hits them,” Hamza said.

[Photo] Doctor classifies disorder

Kamaria Walton, Lead Beats Editor
April 10, 2017
ALL STARS. The 2016 election came with a collection of interesting debates.  Thus, the sophomore all star teams have lots of places to look for debate examples.  The structure of presidential debates is quite different than how SHS does it, but the various debate tactics are universal.

[Photo] Get your game on, go play

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
April 7, 2017
TOO MUCH. LaVar Ball is yelling on the sidelines of a high school basketball games for his sons. He recently gave himself attention by making outlandish comments about himself and his sons. Ball has captivated the sports world, and most of it has been negative attention.

[Photo] One balls too hard

Lauren Kurtzer, Creative Projects Director
April 3, 2017
ROAR. Kong : Skull Island was about an island that nobody could get to due to constant bad weather.  People from the US found an entrance in the weather that let them in the island.  They were looking for something a lot different than what they found.

[Photo] Kong strikes theaters

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
March 27, 2017
RIGHT OR WRONG. With tests such as state testing, creativity is taken away from students. Artistic skills and creativity are not valued on the tests. There are many different types of students, who strive in different areas of education.

[Photo] Tests take tolls

Kirsten Thomas, Staff Writer
March 10, 2017
ACROSS THE RIVER. The Brent Spence Bridge that links downtown Cincinnati to Kentucky has posed severe safety concerns to those in the area. Between decay and accidents, the bridge is in need of repairs or reconstruction. Former president Barack Obama discussed the  American Jobs Act,  Sept.  22, 2011 in front of the Brent Spence Bridge.

[Photo] Bridge brings far-stretching problems

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2017
Although Beyoncé did not win against Adele in the categories they were both nominated in, Beyoncé was still able to win the “Best Urban Contemporary Award” and the “Best Music Video for Formation.” Multiple factors were taken into account when deciding the winner. For example, Adele had multiple number one singles while Beyoncé did not.

[Photo] Race impacts race for Grammys

Eshika Kohli, Business Manager
February 16, 2017

[Photo] Rain drop, blood drop

Hannah Loftspring, Spotlight Chief
February 16, 2017
WATCH. The hit show on Netflix, “Stranger Things,” won for best television drama.The show proved to be a success soon after its release on Netflix. Cast member David Harbour spoke out against Trump in his acceptance speech with the crowd roaring in approval.

[Photo] SAG award speeches turn political

Amy Deng, Managing Editor
February 6, 2017
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady speaks to the media during Super Bowl LI Media Night. While he is in the spotlight for this seventh Super Bowl appearance and the Deflategate drama, he should also be supporting his friend and now president Donald Trump. This does not just go for the star player but should be for all NFL players since they have the platform of millions.

[Photo] Tackling political issues in NFL

Lauren Kurtzer, Creative Projects Director
February 3, 2017
OH BABY. The baby hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo now has a name: Fiona. She was born six weeks early, thus needs around the clock care from vets and zookeepers. Staffers are working on getting her well enough to return to her mother.

[Photo] Baby hippo receives name

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 2, 2017
The Ohio State University football coach Urban Meyer and former running back Ezekiel Elliott are celebrating their eighth national championship. They won the first title in the new playoff system for college football. While the new system has had remarkable success, the way conferences chose the champions has been a highlighted flaw.

[Photo] College conference conundrum strikes

Lauren Kurtzer, Creative Project Director
December 19, 2016
Only three members of the Brazilian soccer team survived and are in the hospital. In addition, two crew members and one journalist survived. The plane crashed outside of Medellin, Colombia.

[Photo] Plane crashes in Colombia

Amy Deng, Managing Editor
December 1, 2016
In order to see if mosquitoes could carry more than one of the viruses simultaneously, a team at Colorado State University infects Aedes aegypti mosquitoes with both Zika and chikunguny. “Their saliva is clearly testing positive for both, which could mean that people bitten by this type of mosquito could be infected by both viruses at once,” researcher Claudia Ruckert said in a statement. The frightening implications could mean that a whole new approach must be taken in order to combat these viruses.

[Photo] Three viruses, one mosquito

Harsimran Makkad, Web Editor-in-Chief
November 22, 2016
The earthquake also triggered a tsunami and residents were warned to stay away from the shores. The damage is expected to be costly to repair as infrastructure destruction grows. Thousands of residents are stranded due to the natural disaster.

[Photo] Earthquake rocks New Zealand

Amy Deng, Managing Editor
November 17, 2016
Seattle Seahawks defensive end Cliff Avril tackles Buffalo Bills quarterback Tyrod Taylor during the Monday night Football primetime games on November 7. There has been a hysteria going around the league about the ratings, especially during the lack of compelling primetime games. The drop in ratings come from factors in and out of the league.

[Photo] Not failing league

Lauren Kurtzer, Creative Projects Director
November 14, 2016
Social media is really popular among teenagers. The different platforms are highly competitive due to their responses to the demands of the current generation. It is difficult to keep such applications going for long period of time due to better replacements.

[Photo] Vine disappears into history books

Amy Deng, Managing Editor
November 3, 2016
Caption: Louisiana State University is doing something during a game on versus a team. Due to extreme weather conditions, they had to cancel a game versus Florida and had to reschedule for Noveber 19 and change the location from at Florida to at LSU. This controversy and decision was highly publicized since neither side could agree on a solution.

[Photo] Louisiana losing league

Lauren Kurtzer, Creative Projects Director
November 1, 2016
Voices: Should kids wear costumes to school?

[Photo] Senior Halloween Rules

Harsimran Makkad, Web Editor-in-Chief
October 22, 2016
oston Red Sox designated hitter David Ortiz hits one of his famous home runs during a game versus the Baltimore Orioles on Sep. 19, 2016. He announced his retirement after a 19 year career before the start of this season. The whole baseball world honored him in a historic career for designated hitters.

[Photo] Big heart, big city, big time

Lauren Kurtzer, Creative Projects Director
October 7, 2016
Eid Mubarak celebration in Concord

[Photo] Educate to end hate

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 18, 2016
Origami is a part in Japanese culture and is a type of way to fold paper other than making paper airplanes.  It is just an example of what is done at Japanese Club.  Origami was a part of Japanese Club on September 26 and will be in the future.

[Photo] Folding into first week

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
September 30, 2016
Going against the grain after Orlando shooting, LGBT group embraces guns

[Photo] Many murdered at mall

Anne Marsh, Copy Editor
September 30, 2016
Police found two semi automatic weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition legally sold to the suspect. Nine victims were wounded after shots fired on cars near West University. The result ended with the suspect’s death.

[Photo] Houston gunman injures nine

Eshika Kohli, Business Manager
September 30, 2016
The war on drugs has affected everyone in the Philippines. In several of the impoverished communities, children play by the sewers, surrounded by waste. The drug war has taken a huge toll on families, those involved have no way of making income and fear for their lives.

[Photo] Drug war in Philippines draws tension

Amy Deng, Managing Editor
September 28, 2016
Mitsubishi has announced that it may approach its financial backers. The scandal has rocked the company, making their stock plummet. The company will struggle with the consequences as a result.

[Photo] Mitsubishi admits false tests

Amy Deng, Editor In-Chief
April 28, 2016
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