Underclassman love seniors
Seniors lockers are decorated by the underclassman as a sweet surprise. They contain inside jokes and great works of art. Small teams of girls decorate the lockers to get them finished more efficiently.
October 21, 2016
With the end of many fall sport seasons drawing near, athletes are beginning to become emotional. This sadness comes from thinking about not seeing many people that you have seen every day for months on the regular anymore, as well as completing the season with the knowledge that the seniors will not be back for another year.
“I get really sad thinking about the seniors leaving. They have become some of my best friends and great running companions. I’m going to miss them,” said Jade Stella, 9.
The women’s cross country team at the end of the season chooses to highlight their senior athletes at a team senior night. During this night the coaches talk about each senior and show videos of each one from past races and other sports.
“Last year senior night made me laugh just as much as it made me cry. The pictures of my friends were really funny, but also I was well aware that I wouldn’t be making any more running memories with them again,” said Peyton Gilhart, 10.
Before senior night, the seniors ask the underclassman to dress up. This is a tradition, but is not mandatory. This year, the cross country seniors have chosen to have each class dress as different things. The juniors will be dressing as suburban dads, the sophomores are suburban moms, and the freshman are babies.
“I love the senior night themes for our underclassman. I think they are so funny and I know that our girls will go all out,” said Sarita Evans, 12.
Not only do the girls dress up, they also write letters to each senior. These letters are distributed at senior night in large boxes. Usually, this is one of the most emotional times of the night.
Senior recognition night is a time that is loved, and equally as dreaded. Seniors must say goodbye to some of their best friends and a very supporting team, as well as great coaches. Everyone else must bid adieu to the season and the seniors.