Group works to finish, not diminish

McDaniel’s Photography

PRACTICE.The marching band performs at a football game to practice showing off Vortex. At their most recent competition,at w High school the band won seven awards. The ensemble still has two more competitions left before the season is over.

Lindsey Brinkman, Staff Writer

After finally performing their full show, the marching band went home from the competition at Miamisburg High School receiving in their class they received first place, best general effect, best auxillary, best music, best percussion, and best visual. Overall they got second place.
In their class, aaaa, the band had the highest amount of points, 87, which is why they received first.
“I think as a team we did OK, but we definitely could have done a lot better. I’m super excited to make our show better,” said Sara Cohen, 11.
The band only has two more competitions left before they go to Disney World, so now they are making sure their show, Vortex , is the best it can be.
“I feel like we did well, obviously we could have done better, but I’m glad we still have a chance to do that,” said Blessed Collins, 10.
The band will once again be competing this weekend, and will perform the whole show another time.
“While performing I know a few mishaps occurred, but I thought it was one of our best shows, and I can’t wait to see what we look like once we have everything perfect,” said Jennifer Lu, 10.
All in all, after getting the chance to show off all of their hard work,the band is not quitting and will continue to make the show better for the next competition.
To find out the dates for their last competitions go here.