What it means to inspire
Clinton speaks in front of a crowd in Florida. This ugly election cycle, to many, has been exhausting. But looking past the orange haze that has descended upon America reveals a candidate that truly believes that we are Stronger Together.
November 4, 2016
To be inspiring does not necessarily mean parading around onstage, waving pom poms, and cracking jokes with the crowd (although there is nothing wrong with that). Inspiration can be in the form of quiet, profound diligence.
One of the main criticisms of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is her “lack” of inspiration. I, for one, find her tenacity, toughness, and perseverance absolutely inspiring.
While Clinton, the historic first female nominee of a major party, campaigns against an abusive, sexist, arrogant, egotistical bigot who loves to degrade people and attack them on an individual level, it brings to light an important juxtaposition.
Trump fuels his campaign on negativity and fear, feeding the idea that America is a dystopian wasteland that only he can fix. On the other hand, Clinton runs her campaign on a message of positivity (which is infinitely harder to do). As her motto suggests, she runs a campaign with an inclusive, positive, message that brings people together.
When women see their specific concerns understood and reflected in a Presidential nominee, this is a very powerful optic and highly inspirational. Now, for the first time in U.S. history, we may have a leader who understands and empathizes at a personal level.
This is such a personal perspective for women, and to see this reflected in a leader who is also a woman, mother, grandmother, and feminist is extremely compelling.
Along this same thread, at the third presidential debate, Clinton responded to Drumpf’s misguided, entirely incorrect diatribe on abortion, with this response:
“You should meet with some of the women that I’ve met with — women I’ve known over the course of my life. This is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family have to make. And I do not believe the government should be making it. You know, I’ve had a great honor of traveling the world on behalf of our country. I’ve been to countries where governments either forced women to have abortions, like they used to do in China, or forced women to bear children like they used to do in Romania. And I can tell you the government has no business in the decisions that women make with their families in accordance with their faith with medical advice, and I will stand up for that right.”
Her firm, unapologetic stance on women’s issues, especially to a man so overtly made me realize the significance of a female president. Excitement for the Democratic nominee is there- just take a look at this amazing “Pantsuit Power” flash mob.
At the United Nations Fourth World Congress on Women back in 1995, Clinton sums it up well,“Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.”