Normal cross country night
Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
November 17, 2016
DINNER TIME. Each Friday before a Saturday race, the cross country team goes to a member’s house to have dinner. The dinner usually consists of spaghetti, meatballs, fruit, vegetables and most importantly, dessert.
RED ROVER. Junior Meredith Gottliebson has been called over by her teammates while playing the game Red Rover. She is unsuccessful in breaking the chain and is forced to join the other team.
CALM BEFORE THE STORM. Athletes are fueled and ready to go due to the pasta party the night before. Proper nutrients is required days n advance to have an extremely good race. The excited girls are well prepared, and run through a human tunnel to the start.
RACE TIME. Junior varsity races line up at the Mason High school start line. They are mentally preparing themselves for the tough, and hot, race ahead.