Student donations make gains
During the months of December and January, ace bells were asked to collect pop tabs. The overall donations were minimal, but there were many very dedicated classes. The winner of this pop tab collecting competition was determined by weight of the pop tabs collected.
February 1, 2017
Over the past few months, there have been a plethora of community wide opportunities to make a difference. The two most recent fundraisers were the pop tab collection and the canned food drive.
“I participated in both events. I feel like it’s a great way to give back to my community just by donating a few things here and there. It doesn’t change my life, but it could quite possibly affect someone else’s,” said Peyton Gilhart, 10.
The pop tab drive was set up by the volunteer events committee of Sycamore student council. They planned for weeks, getting in touch with the Ronald McDonald house and creating signs that would be displayed in the commons advertising the event.
“The pop tab drive was a really good idea, and it’s a student council tradition. One thing that makes me upset is that our school is gigantic, yet the numbers of pop tabs we collected didn’t reflect that,” said Audrey Dybvad, 11.
Although the student council did collect many pop tabs–mostly from Mrs. Price’s ace bell– they did not receive the amount they had projected. Even with this subtle defeat, the Ronald McDonald house accepted them with open arms. Every pop tab helps.
The other fundraiser that took place was the canned food drive. This event was set up by SALT members and requested canned food to be donated to the Operation Give Back foundation, which was created by a Sycamore graduate.
“The OGB canned food collection was amazing. We got so much food and it really helped out the nonprofit organization, but also the families and kids that are dependent upon it,” said Max Hill, 12.
All of these are events were focused on students helping out people in need, and overall they were all successful in achieving that task. These two charities surely received donations from SHS that can be utilized in their everyday functions.