Baby hippo receives name
OH BABY. The baby hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo now has a name: Fiona. She was born six weeks early, thus needs around the clock care from vets and zookeepers. Staffers are working on getting her well enough to return to her mother.
February 2, 2017
Amid constant care and around the clock watch, zookeepers at the Cincinnati Zoo have determined what they will be calling their baby hippo: Fiona.
“Staff picked the name for the calf, which was born six weeks premature, because it means ‘fair’,” according to the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Born early to 17-year-old hippo Bibi, Fiona is still learning how to stand and working on putting on weight.
Fiona is the first Nile hippo to be born at the Cincinnati Zoo in 75 years; thus her presence is very exciting and important.
Staffers have to feed her via tubes, although they are working towards bottle feeding, and they have to keep an IV in to maintain constant fluid levels.
“Veterinarians have been adding Bibi’s milk to a fluid mixture that is being tube-fed to the baby,” according to the Cincinnati Enquirer.
In addition, veterinarians are constantly monitoring her vitals until she is able to be returned to her mother.
Fiona now has the strength to get into a pool, with the help of noodles and zookeepers to maintain balance.
“Being in the pool will also help the baby build muscles and balance as well as to maintain her optimal body temperature of 96 to 98 degrees,” according to the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Hopefully, Fiona will soon be returned to her mother and in good health.