AQT buzzes with success
THE MORE YOU KNOW. SHS’ AQT faces off in a team round against against Mason. Team round takes place first in every competition and includes three questions in each topic (from literature to American government), one for each team and one tossup. SHS won the first match 78-63.
February 2, 2017
Question: Which school is the 2016-2017 academic quiz team (AQT) GMC champion? Answer: SHS.
AQT’s last GMC match took place in the Little Theater after school on Mon. Jan. 30 against SHS’ rival, Mason High School. SHS won all three intense rounds (two for varsity and one for JV).
“I was super nervous. The first alphabet round was really awesome though; it was the best we’d ever done,” said Cali Colliver, 12.
This result made SHS the GMC champion with a record for 17 wins and one loss, ahead of second place Mason with 13 wins and three losses.
“I think we really put our best foot forward, and we had a lot of great senior players out there… What really stood out to me was just how much I enjoyed it and how much we’ve improved,” said Grant Bruner, 10.
On the following day, Tues. Jan 31., AQT held its annual students v. teachers match wherein members of the team competed against staff members. Questions in quiz team competitions cover topics including American literature, math, geography, science, and more.
Thus, the staff team consisted of teachers from multiple subjects: English teachers Mr. Andrew Oakes, Mr. Daniel Frank, and Mr. Benjamin Vore, math teacher Mrs. Calli Hoffman, social studies teacher Mr. Kevin Wittman, music teacher Mr. Zachary Starkie, and science teacher Mr. Robert Seiple.
After a tight match, the student team achieved an unprecedented victory by one point.
Looking ahead, the team will participate in the GMC tournament on Sat. Feb. 4. The GMC may send two teams to regionals, typically the conference champion and the winner of the tournament. SHS has already secured a spot at regionals, which will take place on May 6, but will still participate in the tournament.
“This was a really awesome way to end my last season, and I think we can make it to state,” Colliver said.