Prepping for a Cause
Student Council prepares powdered paint for Color for a Cause
Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
March 29, 2017
PREP. Student Council has begun to prepare for the first ever Color For a Cause event, which will take place April 1 at 9:30 am at Sycamore High School. Registration can be done online up to that day or at the event. This past week, the council members have begun vigorously working to create banners, signs, flyers and most importantly, fill the powder bottles for the big day.
COLLABORATE. Each day, the STUCO members who are not busy with their personal committees have banded together to help out the Color For a Cause Committee. This week, the powdered paint was delivered. Each bottle is to be filled with the powdered paint to the brim and then stored individually so that the event staff can have all the resources needed to get each and every runner colorful.
WORK. “My job was to clean and transport the bottles from the box to a central location. We have a set amount of bottles that we need to fill up every day to stay on track for the Color for a Cause event. It can get stressful, but it’s not too bad,” said Sushobith Vadrevu, 10.
SPRAY. Because the color is powder, it easily spreads and sticks on clothing and skin. Although it does stick, it does not stain either of these. The powder is completely washable and nontoxic, although it is a good idea to not eat it or put it into your eyes.
POUR. Student Council students have been filling bottles for days, getting their hair, clothing and hands completely covered in the colorful dust. They started with red and yellow, then moved to blue and green for filling. “It was really fun to fill up the bottles. The one problem was that it was windy in the courtyard, so a lot of the dust blew into my hair and onto my clothes. Luckily, it’s all washable so I don’t really need to worry about it,” said Taylor Miller, 10.
SERVICE, FRIENDS, AND FUN.“Filling the spray bottles with powder was a lot of fun. I liked the way my hands looked after because they were covered in the paint and I also really liked just messing around with my fellow Student Council members,” said Halle Gordon, 11.
RUN! Come out to Color For a Cause this Saturday, April 1! There will be a two mile run/walk with a plethora of fun, games and food afterwards. All profits go to Disabled Veterans of America.