Gloria Steinem


Tribune News Service

POWER TO THE PEACE. In 2013, Gloria Steinem was awarded the presidential medal of freedom. President Barack Obama bestowed her the metal to honor her work in the women’s liberation movement and for being an advocate for equality. Steinem is not only an activist but a journalist who has written about many social justice issues over the course of her career.

Gloria Steinem was born on March 25, 1934 in Toledo, Ohio. She is best known for her activism work as a feminist and as a journalist. In 1968, Steinem began working for New York magazine where she wrote about feminist issues such as abortion and the right to choose. One of her especially groundbreaking articles was titled “If Men Could Menstruate” where she detailed the way our world would be if things were flipped. In addition to the various publications she worked for, she also co-founded “Ms.” a magazine about feminism. She has also spoke out about topics such as genital mutilation, transgender rights, and same sex marriage over the course of her life. Today, Steinem’s activism continues to extend as she speak out about elections. She also remains as one of six board members for “Ms.” magazine. Her work continues to inspire and ignite equality modern day, and as Steinem once said herself, “Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning”.