1. Join a club and be involved.
SHS is a golden pot of opportunity. It is time to take up something new or even just learn
more about anything that just sounds interesting. Aside from just looking great on college
applications, creating a passion is the first step into adulthood and the future.
2. Attend a dance.
Whether it is the dressing up, the dinner, or the actual dance, most students can attest to the
fact they enjoyed one thing about the night.
3. Go to After Prom.
STUCO spends a lot of time and money on After Prom. It consists of a hefty selection of food
options along with fun events like a magic show.
4. Get pumped for spirit week.
This is probably the one time, aside from Senior Halloween, when students can dress in
outrageous attire and show their school spirit. It should not go to waste.
5. Take advantage theelective courses
Many other schools do not have the same selection of courses that SHS offers. There are
engineering, cooking, and acting classes that give students are large variety of choices. Take
advantage of free education while still given the chance.