Students condition before school

Nathan Zhang

More stories from Nathan Zhang


Michael Teets

SHS tennis athletes get up in the morning before school in order to attend conditioning at 6 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the off season. Led by the captains from each team, the students complete a wide array of activities includes jump rope, numerous drills, sprints, push-ups, and stretching. These morning conditionings are supervised by Coach Michael Teets.

Each week, players from the tennis team wake up as early as 5 a.m. to run and condition at the high school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Conditioning begins at 6 a.m. and ends at 6:30 a.m.

Sophomore Nikhil Sekar said, “Conditioning is always difficult to wake up early in the morning for, but it is extremely beneficial and has definitely put me in better shape.”

Conditioning is led by the captains of the boys and girls teams and supervised by Coach Michael Teets.

Sekar said, “Although it is not mandatory, every SHS tennis player should attend conditioning, even if it is just one or two. It is a chance to show everyone how committed and passionate you are.”

The captains of the boys team are junior Noah Stern and senior Alexander Taylor, while the captain of the girls team is sophomore Kaitlyn Jiang.

Taylor said, “Morning conditioning is essential to our program. It aids our athletes in not only improving their athleticism but, more importantly, their discipline as well.”