Students prepare for AP testing

Caroline Veraldo

More stories from Caroline Veraldo

Hillary Clinton
March 31, 2017
Students prepare for AP testing. This year, the tests take place from May 2nd to May 13. They begin with the Chemistry exam and ends with the Latin exam.

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Students prepare for AP testing. This year, the tests take place from May 2nd to May 13. They begin with the Chemistry exam and ends with the Latin exam.

With spring break coming to a close, Advanced Placement students are facing a new reality: AP testing is only five weeks away.

Junior Sarah Sotropa said, “Prior to spring break, it seemed like AP exams were far, far away. None of my teachers were stressing how little time we have left to finish learning the material and begin to study.”

Spring break seemed to serve as a time to relax, however, with the realization of the time crunch they are in, many students find themselves returning to the same busy and stressful ways.

Sotropa said, “I am glad I could relax over spring break, but now all I can think about is studying”

For many sophomores in the AP European History class, the euro exam will be their first, and for many seniors in AP Government, the gov exam will be may be their last high school exam.

Sophomore Lily Martinson said, “I am really nervous for my first exam. I have no idea what it will be like. I think and hope my teacher is doing a good job of preparing us.”

Senior Maya Sheth said, “I am so glad to be done with AP testing; however, It really has helped me further my learning and gain a competitive edge in the college selection process”

Regardless if it is their first or their last, the SHS AP students look forward to the end of AP testing.