Extremely welcoming students welcome opportunities

Recycling is an important part of Sycamore’s Green Initiative. At lunch, compost is also collected to make it easier for the garbage to be separated into trash, recycle-ables, and compost-able material. Environmental Club teams up with the custodial staff to maintain a clean and environmentally friendly environment at SHS.
October 28, 2016
Extra credit possibilities rarely fail to excite students. Environmental science teacher Ron Hochstrasser is the adviser of Environmental Club. He allows the students to run the club while he acts as a supervisor.
The club welcomes new students every week. They meet on Thursdays to discuss upcoming events and to collect the school’s recycling. There is a sign-in sheet, and at the end of the quarter, students can receive extra credit.
The extra credit applies only to students who are in AP Environmental Science. The goal is to encourage kids to get involved after school and that hopefully they will begin to come for enjoyment rather than the grade boost.
“I came at first because I needed a few extra points in Environmental. There were definitely a lot of people there purely to sign in and get points, but I also noticed people who looked super dedicated.
I will be coming back again when I can because I liked the environment, pun intended, and it doesn’t hurt to get some extra credit,” said Noah Stern, 12.
Some of the members of Environmental Club went on a canoe trip to become closer to one another. There are hopes to have another bonding trip or activity of some sort later in the year.
“I wasn’t able to go because I had a conflicting activity but it sounded super fun. I’m sure if someone presented another idea as a second trip, everyone would want to go,” said Clare Knife, 12.
The club is welcoming to all new students who wish to join. No one is missing out if they decide to join at any point in the year; they can always just slide in.
“I was nervous because I didn’t know what I was walking into, but I wasn’t behind or anything. They do the same thing every week with recycling, but not in a boring way. Just in an easy to join way,” said Stern.