Color Guard clinics captivate new members

McDaniel’s Photography

MEET AND GREET. Members of the guard meet new members at the first clinic on Tues., April 17. The girls practiced fundamental skills to review things some know as well as to give a basic overview for members interested in joining. With the new coaches and head coach, the group is experiencing a change in how things were run, but everyone is excited to see what is to come.

After a long winter break, the marching band season is slowly rolling to a start. On Tues., April 17, the Color Guard met for clinics.

This two-hour time of practice provided the new girls with a chance to meet other members, practice the basics, and just have fun together. Aside from giving new girls more experience, the clinics also allowed the experienced girls to have time to refresh their skills.

“I thought the clinics were really fun. It was so exciting because this is how we always start the season, and it is a feeling of comfortableness. It just reminded me of the unknown and the excitement for this new season,” said Katherine Shi,10.

This year’s theme is “Prehistori,c” and unlike any other year, the guard will be more of a performance-based group.

“I enjoy Color Guard because it allows me to meet new people as well as raise my confidence. I am excited about this show because it is going to be something different than what we have done,” said Lydia Cooke, 11

Along with this being a year where the guard is changing in its performance type, this is also a year where the full ensemble will have new experiences. One new thing for the group is the use of music from a movie. The ensemble has done this before, but because of copyright laws, it has been a long time.

“The first clinic was a lot of fun and allowed me to practice the basics again. I can’t wait for the upcoming season,” said Abigail Motley, 10.

On Thurs., April 19 at 6:30 p.m., the girls will be having another clinic, where they will again run over the basics. During this time, there will also be a parent meeting in the SHS band room to give parents more details on what Color Guard really is.