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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

All content by Rachel Horne
AWARE.Awareness against torture.After being award the winning campaign the team was given certificates for their accomplishment. “ I a really glad I got to be a part of this experience and have learn a lot through our Raid Cross training and this project,” said Narayana. The event was run by Paula Mcintosh, International Services Manager who helped the team throughout the competition.

[Photo] IHL tackles laws of torture

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
April 21, 2017
DIRECT. Senior Sarah Horne performs a direct examination of her witness, played by junior Adam Meller, at the regional mock trial competition. The purpose of direct is to allow the witnesses on one’s own side give their side of the case and is extensively prepared and practiced beforehand. Both attorneys and witnesses are scored based on the content and presentation.

[Photo] Mock trial rocks regionals

Jenna Bao, Creative Projects Director
February 14, 2017
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Rachel Horne