DECA students dazzle at competition
Last year Sycamore Deca was voted the most impressive chapter in the state. This was due to the number of individuals sent to national competition and over all wins in competition. Steedly has high hopes for the coming competition season.
Brooke Landrum and Ben Young
December 6, 2014
Last year Sycamore Deca was voted the most impressive chapter in the state. This was due to the number of individuals sent to national competition and over all wins in competition. Steedly has high hopes for the coming competition season.
. Junior, Eva Thorn waits in the Scarlet Oaks auditorium for the arrival of the competition. The other teams included students from Glen Este, Anderson, Milford, North College Hill and Washington Courthouse. Thorn was discussing strategy with teammate Shiloh Eklund and Maya Outlaw.
Juniors Abigail McGowan and William Truncellito present their role play for a judge. They were participating in a team competition. They won first place in Travel and Tourism.
Thorn and Eklund shake hands with their judge, thus ending their role play. Behaving as a business professional was an important part of the competition. Attire and behavior was used to decide a winner in the event of a tie.
Martin Gonzales is put into a room with other competitors to prepare for his role play. Hey was given 10 minutes to read the problem and come up with his solutions, for which he also won first place. He was then allowed eight minutes to present his solutions to a judge.
Juniors Kyria Graves and Taylor Miller wait in the holding room for their names to be called. Once their names are called they will be brought into a prep room. Students ended up staying in the preparation room for several hours.
After all the finalists had completed their second role play, the awards ceremony began. Lydia Deppert and Jacob Mather accept their award for second place. The awards ceremony commemorated the top four places in individual events and top three in team events.
After completing their event the students went back to the auditorium to wait for the awards ceremony. While they were waiting Xavier, Ohio State and University of Cincinnati spoke about their schools of business. Students were also treated to a pizza lunch which most students said did not pair well with the nervousness of finals.
The competition was a practice for the Juniors whom had never been to competition before. In order to keep things running smoothly Marketing director, Mark Steedly invited some seniors to come along and help run the event. Although the event was held at Scarlet Oaks, it was organized by Sycamore.
22 shs students placed in the mini spring competition. Over 40 students competed on Dec 5 with an outstanding number of wins. SHS had more wins than any other competitor.
There were nine students that won first place DECA Diamonds. There were three teams who won and 3 individuals. The next competition will be at UC on Jan 15.