Students talk spring break

Lauren Shassere

More stories from Lauren Shassere

Honor Flight
May 22, 2015

Lauren Shassere

Junior Lauren Shassere and her two younger brothers enjoyed spring break last year on the sand dunes of North Carolina. Here they prepare to fly a plane shaped kite over the sand.

The weathers warmer, the days are rainier and sleeves get shorter, spring is in the air.

With big plans for the break many students count down the days until their week off of school ,full of sandy beaches, bon fires or sleeping in.

” I’m going to Indiana with my friend to visit her family and ride four wheelers, her family makes really good food too so I’m pumped,” junior Savanna Asbrock said

Trips vary from farther destinations as in California or even as far as the Bahamas to more modest trips like close to home areas. Yet aside from the numerous students and faculty members all set with their plane tickets many decide to just stay in Cincinnati and enjoy what their hometown has to offer.

Cincinnati ranges in many activities to enjoy and explore for the teen spring breakers including popular restaurant Dicks Resort. This is where the waiters actually insult the costumers, and when normally this would be seen as rude or unacceptable this difference is what makes it so popular.

“I went to Dicks for my birthday once and it was really cool, our waiter was hilarious and kept us all  laughing the whole time,” junior Sarah Hanisch said.

Perhaps on top of everything sleeping in and just hanging out with friends may be the highlight. Some people see perfection in simplicity and will use this time to read a book they haven’t got around to.
“I’m just staying home and making money. I’m going to babysit to save up enough money for a Teaching competition that I’m really looking forward to,” junior Emma Galyon said.

Everyone’s idea of a perfect spring break is different, yet they all have one thing in common and that is the excitement to finally be here.