Visualizing future in metallurgy and design


MCT Campus

Engineering can help you in a career far beyond becoming an engineer, such as math, science, art, and any career involving problem solving. Engineering Club challenges your mind to think around the problem. By coming to this club, you will be more ready than you are now for many challenges that come your way in whatever your career in the future.

Students who take any engineering class or are interested in taking an engineering class will definitely benefit from being a part of the Engineering Club. It can help in ways that students do not realize.

“Engineering makes you really think and helps you be creative in solving problems,” said Luke Huffer, 11.

If you like art, math, science, or just learning how to overcome challenges, Engineering Club allows thinking around difficulties. You do not have to be in an engineering class to join.

“It is fun to work with others to solve problems,” said Huffer, 11.

Once you realize that engineering is not just for people who want to be an engineer, you may want to join. It may help in math, science, hands-on activities, or just for fun.

“We do not get to do all this hands on work in any other class,” said Huffer, 11.

In Engineering Club, you will undergo experiences with a combination of hands-on activities and simply working with your brain.