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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Fall brings fashion

Fall brings fashion

Grace Zhang, Copy Editor
September 12, 2018
Lexi Schroeder, 9

Lexi Schroeder, 9

Benjamin Green, Staff Writer
May 2, 2018
Jaquelynn McGraw, 10

Jaquelynn McGraw, 10

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
May 1, 2018
Allison Landrum, 11

Allison Landrum, 11

Abigail Lefton, Sports Chief
March 30, 2018
Brandon Sichel, 9

Brandon Sichel, 9

Anisa Khatana, Staff Writer
March 12, 2018
STRIKE A POSE. A dragonfly, which is what TDF calls the kids whom they help, and her fellow model pose during the show. This is the 12th annual FFTC fashion show. It is the fifth time FFTC has raised money for TDF.

FFTC finds donation total

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
March 8, 2018
Jane Lundgren, 12

Jane Lundgren, 12

Claire Myers, Staff Writer
February 26, 2018
CONSENT. A participant in Cincinnati’s Women’s March holds a sign that reads: “Positive consent is the only consent.” Sexual assault stories are being shared worldwide via the #MeToo movement, and an exhibition in Belgium featuring victims’ clothing worn at the time they were assaulted seeks to cease the belief that clothing determines consent. “I believe in the power and rights of women, and no matter what someone is wearing, it does not excuse another person’s vile actions,” said Thea Ferdinand, 12.

Exhibit displays victims’ clothing

Anne Marsh, Creative Projects Director
January 23, 2018
PROGRESS. Senior Grayson Thornberry wears an AAO long sleeve. “Why start later, when you can start now?” said Grayson with regards to starting his company.

Clothing on come up

SHS senior creates new fashion brand
Everett Kohinke, Staff Writer
October 30, 2017
Ivanka Trump fashion line includes items such as clothing, handbags, shoes, and accessories. Her brand has been criticized for copying designs by other designers. Her products are also not produced in the U.S.

Women boycott Ivanka Trump clothing line

Amy Deng, Managing Editor
October 28, 2016
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