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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Yvanna Reyes

Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief

My name is Yvanna Reyes. The class of 2017-2018 marks my final year of high school, third year at Sycamore High School, and second year on the journalism staff.
Through journalism, I have been able to creatively express myself through three of my passions; making films, writing, and instilling a sense of community in others.
With the exception of my conquests in journalism, I look to subjects like psychology, English, and chemistry to express these three things.
As high school has progressed, my extrovertedness has, to my own surprise, grown exponentially. In doing so, I found myself going from a Model UN attendee to President of the club; from having an interest in medicine to interning at the Mercy Health Explorers program; and from being a regular ol’ journalism student to Video Chief and Social Media Director.
Outside of school, I unwind by playing music and making short films. I enjoy singing, practicing guitar (acoustic and electric), and playing the ukulele.
By being a part of the journalism community, I hope to not only practice rigor and discipline, but also find pride in the work that I contribute to this school.
Cheers to a great year!

All content by Yvanna Reyes
Childhood websites

Childhood websites

Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
April 25, 2018
Feel sweet when you eat

Feel sweet when you eat

Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
April 20, 2018
National WALKOUT at SHS

National WALKOUT at SHS

Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
March 14, 2018
SHS plans March 14 walkout

SHS plans March 14 walkout

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
March 8, 2018
TO THE TOP. Senior Max Snyder places a tennis ball on top of a straw tower while seniors Matthew Isakson and Jodie Lawson look on. They were challenged to design and build towers that would support a tennis ball. The seniors received first overall while the sophomores placed second among all freshman and sophomore teams.

[Photo] TEAMS of young engineers achieve victory

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 26, 2018
'Why journalism matters (to high schoolers)'

‘Why journalism matters (to high schoolers)’

In the era of fake news, high school journalists focus on representing their school and simply doing what they love.
Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
February 21, 2018
BAR NONE. Senior Jodie Lawson brought Hershey bars marked with special notes. This one says, “You set the bar!” Lawson said, “I made Valentines for my track friends because it is a way to make them smile and brighten their day.”

Valentine’s Day shares love

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
February 14, 2018
FORTY FOUR. Former President Barack Obama made history as the first African American president of the United States. During his time in office, one of the Obama's administration focuses was affordable health care. In his second term he focused on climate change and the environment.

Barack Obama

Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
February 14, 2018
What is colorism?

What is colorism?

Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
February 12, 2018
BEAN THERE, DONE THAT Boys on the trip marvel at the enormity of the famed Millenium Park Bean before attending the conference later that day. For many of the club’s five seniors, it was their final opportunity to do Model UN as a high school student. “Chicago was a nice break from school, and I was able to get a unique educational experience. I formed connections with lots of people and also got to check out the city,” said Nikhil Sekar, 12.

Model UN thrives in Chicago

Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
February 9, 2018
Failing to see color

Failing to see color

Society turns blind eye to racism
Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
January 31, 2018
True or False: Women in STEM

True or False: Women in STEM

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
January 23, 2018
LAWSUIT UP. Cincinnati is not the first University Richard Spencer has attempted to sue. For refusing to host the white supremacist, Spencer has also filed lawsuits against Ohio State, Penn State, Auburn, as well as Michigan State. “I do not understand what statement he is making by suing so many universities. It’s ridiculous," Pan said.

Richard Spencer sues UC

Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
January 10, 2018

I Am…Creating: Thea Ferdinand, 12

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
December 14, 2017
30 seconds of SHS Sunshine

30 seconds of SHS Sunshine

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
December 5, 2017
Alt-right speaks in Cincinnati

Alt-right speaks in Cincinnati

Defining freedom of speech as Richard Spencer visits UC
Yvanna Reyes, Video Chief
November 30, 2017
DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN. Daylight Saving Time starts on Nov. 4, 2017. DST marks a new time to start off strong. “I do not typically feel happy when I wake up to darkness, but with college apps coming up, I need to practice staying productive,” said Nathan Zhang, 12.

Right on time

How to be more efficient after Daylight Saving Time (Nov. 5)
Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
November 3, 2017
I Am...In Motion: Daniel Leong, 10

I Am…In Motion: Daniel Leong, 10

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
October 24, 2017
Which SHS AP class are you?

Which SHS AP class are you?

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
October 21, 2017
I Am...Bold: Sara Bolger, 9

I Am…Bold: Sara Bolger, 9

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
October 10, 2017
Spirit Week Vote: 9/22

Spirit Week Vote: 9/22

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
September 22, 2017
Spirit Week Vote: 9/21

Spirit Week Vote: 9/21

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
September 21, 2017
Spirit Week Vote: 9/20

Spirit Week Vote: 9/20

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
September 20, 2017
Spirit Week Vote: 9/19

Spirit Week Vote: 9/19

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
September 19, 2017
Spirit Week Vote: 9/18

Spirit Week Vote: 9/18

Yvanna Reyes, Video Editor
September 18, 2017
Homecoming Spirit Week Themes 2017

Homecoming Spirit Week Themes 2017

Yvanna Reyes, Staff Writer
September 8, 2017
Prom Cliches: Yes or No?

Prom Cliches: Yes or No?

Yvanna Reyes, Staff Writer
April 28, 2017
March Madness Poetry 2017

March Madness Poetry 2017

Yvanna Reyes, Staff Writer
March 16, 2017
Franklin made significant contributions to our understanding of the structure of DNA. Her x-ray crystollography pictures allowed Watson and Crick to form the structure of DNA. The structure ended up being the famous double helix.

Rosalind Franklin

Yvanna Reyes, Staff Writer
March 3, 2017
Diversity Panel

Diversity Panel

Yvanna Reyes, Staff Writer
February 27, 2017
Dr. Maya Angelou speaks with Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Angelou's work discussed her personal story and her experience with sexual assault. Her poetry collection "Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'Fore I Die" was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.

Maya Angelou

Yvanna Reyes, Staff Writer
February 17, 2017
Demon Drop in Accelerated Physics

Demon Drop in Accelerated Physics

Yvanna Reyes, Staff Writer
February 1, 2017
WE WILL ROCK YOU. The Variety Show, aside from showing off some of SHS’ many talents, is also a veritable fundraiser for the choral program. Aves choir students prepped a Queen Medley for the event’s introduction. “Combining all of the choirs was a blast and I loved all of the songs,” said Anna Enriquez, 10.

Talent aglow at Variety Show

Yvanna Reyes, Staff Writer
January 12, 2017
Don’t judge a Facebook ad by its cover. Facebook has decreased in popularity among millennials, but other generations, ones with less Internet experience, are often the most victim to these scams. “It is definitely frustrating, untrustworthy information being so readily broadcast is concerning. What could possibly be their goal?” said Kiri Wang,11.

Facebook faces fake news

Yvanna Reyes, Staff Editor
November 30, 2016
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Yvanna Reyes