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  • April 5 - Relay for Life @ 3 pm
  • April 8 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
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  • April 29 - Underclassman Award Ceremony @ 8 am
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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Ben Ruskin

Ben Ruskin, Executive Editor-in-Chief

Hi! My name is Ben Ruskin and I’m a senior here at Sycamore High School. This is my fourth year on the staff. As a part of The Leaf, our national award-winning, student-run publication, I hold the position of Co-Executive Editor-in-Chief. My position includes overseeing the production of all four of our platforms: print newsmagazine, online magazine, website, and broadcast department. I enjoy writing under multiple genres and thus have written a multitude of articles including feature, opinion, news, and arts & entertainment. I also take great pride in designing pages (Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator) and editing/shooting videos (Windows Movie Maker and iMovie). I look forward to another great year with the hard-working staff of The Leaf. More about myself: I find volunteering to be extremely rewarding: I work as a volunteer teacher’s assistant at my temple during religious school every Sunday. I am also involved in BBYO, a Jewish youth group outside of school, I have worked as a board member of my chapter for several terms. I am also involved in OGB-GO, a club I founded here at Sycamore High School. The club helps families in Sycamore are who need some sort of assistance financially. I am also involved in National Honors Society and Unified For Uganda as an avid member and volunteer. In addition to volunteering and extra-curricular, I really enjoy movies and television. My favorite TV shows are “Scrubs” and “The Walking Dead.” My favorite movies are “Good Will Hunting” and “Interstellar” I hope to eventually work in the realm of entertainment. A quote to live by: “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud” – Maya Angelou.

All content by Ben Ruskin
Chance the Rapper performs on Sept. 30, 2016 in London. He was the first artist that only releases his music on streaming services to be nominated for a Grammy. Chance collected best new artist, best rap album, and best rap performance at the Grammy Awards.

Chance the Rapper

Ben Ruskin, Executive Editor-in-Chief
February 16, 2017
Twitter influence peaks

Twitter influence peaks

Ben Ruskin, Executive Editor in Chief
January 18, 2017
Musk mastering Mars

Musk mastering Mars

Ben Ruskin, Executive Editor in Chief
January 5, 2017
Scarlett Johansson plays the actress Deanna in "Hail, Caesar!" The movie was directed by the Coen Brothers. The movie was set in 1950s Hollywood.

Ben’s Tens: A top ten list by Ben

Best movies of 2016 (so far)
Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
February 24, 2016
Ear molding ear-buds by the numbers

Ear molding ear-buds by the numbers

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
February 5, 2016
Co-founder of Snapchat 
Evan Spiegel is seen here at a technology convention explaining his application. Spiegel has become extremely wealthy from his business venture in Snapchat.

Snapchat surprises

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
December 14, 2015
Money and halloween

Money and halloween

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
December 9, 2015
The millennials facts

The millennials facts

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
December 2, 2015
Black Friday terrors

Black Friday terrors

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
December 2, 2015
Over 3,000 teens will participate in the Model UN convention at the University of Chicago. President of the club, Bryn Kelley, and Vice President, Yang Xing Ding, decided who would be traveling to the convention.

Model UN begins with a bang

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
November 14, 2015
Top 5 Netflix originals

Top 5 Netflix originals

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
October 31, 2015
Movie digest

Movie digest

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
October 14, 2015
Makin' Bank

Makin’ Bank

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
September 30, 2015
How to donate to Liz Lothrop

How to donate to Liz Lothrop

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
September 23, 2015
Submitting geo-filters

Submitting geo-filters

Ben Ruskin, Social Media Director
September 9, 2015
Searching for time:

Searching for time:

Scavenging for minutes each day
Ben Ruskin and Charles Harte
January 30, 2015
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Ben Ruskin