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  • April 5 - Relay for Life @ 3 pm
  • April 8 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - April 18 - Spring Holiday Day
  • April 23 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • April 24 - 26 - Theatre Spring Show @ 7 pm
  • April 29 - Underclassman Award Ceremony @ 8 am
  • April 30 - Orchestra Concert @ 7 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Zachary Fritzhand

Zachary Fritzhand, Staff Writer

Hey there I’m Zach Fritzhand, I’m a senior, and this is my fourth year on The Leaf. I am a staff writer in the classroom. Outside of school I am mostly found outside with my dogs or with my family. I always have an awesome time coming to this class. In fact, without a doubt, this is my favorite class during the day. As time goes on, I would love to major in sports therapy or sports management. I currently play baseball for our school as a pitcher and third baseman. My friends are a huge part of my life whether I need to be cheered up or some help on homework, they are always there for me. I am looking forward to a great school year and great year on staff!

All content by Zachary Fritzhand
Located at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, here is a statue of McGuffey reading a book. He is best known for his series of textbooks called the McGuffey Readers. He held several jobs during his life all in the education field.

William Holmes McGuffey

Zachary Fritzhand, Staff Writer
April 20, 2015
On average, Cincinnati receives 20 inches of snow each winter. Up to this point, the city is about a third of the way there with 6.4 inches of snow. Cincinnati has a couple of chances for snow in the upcoming ten day forecast.

Winter snow a no show

Zachary Fritzhand, Staff Writer
February 12, 2015
As the end of the fall sports season comes to an abrupt end, baseball players have begun their quest for the GMC title. Conditioning will begin in Dec. Tryouts will be held at the end of Feb.

Baseball team hits weight room

Zachary Fritzhand, Staff Writer
November 24, 2014
Music is a huge part of people’s everyday life. Whether you are sad or happy, the variety of music you listen to could be on opposite sides of the spectrum. For example if you are outgoing and at ease you are more likely to listen to Jazz.

Perception of your reality

Zachary Fritzhand, Staff Writer
November 24, 2014
After multiple neck surgeries causing Manning to miss all of the 2011 season, he came back even stronger during the 2012 season. He has done numerous things for charity including starting his own foundation called the Peyback Foundation. Manning will go down as one of the most genuine players of the game.

Spreading the Love

Zachary Fritzhand, Staff Writer
November 7, 2014
Baseball is one of the most complex sports. Baseball players are working very hard to make the SHS team. In the end, baseball is America’s pastime.

Baseball history at its best

Zachary Fritzhand, Staff Writer
November 6, 2014
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Zachary Fritzhand