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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Charlotte Weiss: Deputy Design Editor

Charlotte Weiss, Deputy Design Editor

Hello everyone! My name is Charlotte Weiss and I am a junior at Sycamore High School. It feels like just yesterday I was trying to find my classes on my first day of freshman year. This is my third year on the Leaf staff and it is crazy how far I have come in designing the Leaf and writing journalistic articles. This year I am the Deputy Design Editor which means I help design the Leaf while also producing the Package along with the Deputy Content Editor. I am excited to take on a leadership role in the Leaf and put in the time and effort to make an amazing Leaf that the staff is proud of. For each issue, members of our program choose a topic for our Package, presented on the front cover. Last year I was the Feature Chief and in that position, I discovered my love of designing. While it is always fun to write a piece about a topic you care about, I grew to enjoy creating a unique design for each page. This has led to a lot of late nights of designing and fixing pages so we can release an issue of the Leaf. Maybe some of my late nights could have been avoided if I was not a perfectionist, but I find that my obsession with perfection aids me in creating a design that looks beautiful, matches the tone of the piece, and flows with the designs of the rest of the issue. While last year I focused more on design than the writing process, I hope to improve my writing skills this year by writing about topics close to me. The journalism program has also helped me improve my communication skills with others in the program, interviewees, and even my friends and family. 

Outside of journalism, I enjoy spending time with my family and two dogs or baking for friends and family. During quarantine, I taught myself how to knit and am currently in the middle of knitting the Harry Styles cardigan. I often find myself taking on large tasks even if I have no idea how to even begin, such as the cardigan. My favorite snack is applesauce and I even have an applesauce Instagram account where I post a picture every time I eat applesauce, although I forget a lot. 

All content by Charlotte Weiss
The Diverse Uses of Music

The Diverse Uses of Music

How to use music to your advantage
Charlotte Weiss, Deputy Design Editor
February 18, 2021
Exclusive Q&A

Exclusive Q&A

With Sycamore Schools Board of Education President Melissa Weiss regarding remote learning
Charlotte Weiss, Deputy Design Editor
November 25, 2020
VOTE. November 3, is a monumental election for the United States. Lots of Americans are heading to the polls or voted by absentee ballots prior to election day. This election is not only for the President of the United States but also for Congress, Senate, and many state level positions.

If I could vote…

A Personal Essay
Charlotte Weiss, Deputy Design Editor
November 3, 2020
NEW OFFICE To get a change of scenery, take advantage of the weather, and spend some much needed time outside after sitting in the same spot for six hours, junior staff member Charlotte Weiss has started to do her homework outside. Spending time outside has numerous health benefits including lowering blood pressure and stress levels. Creating a comfortable workspace that is beneficial to one’s learning is extremely important during these seemingly lonely times. Try going for a walk or doing homework outside if you need a change of pace or breath of fresh air.

Nature Improves Homework and Health

The benefits of working outside
Charlotte Weiss, Deputy Design Editor
September 24, 2020

Photoshoots fill quarantine time

Spend your time alone taking interesting pictures
Charlotte Weiss, Feature Chief
May 21, 2020
Although we have to do online school for the rest of the school year, there are some upsides to having time to yourself or even free time at all. All grades are affected by the shelter in place order, but some more than others. Try to make the most of your time and not spend hours on end on TikTok. Read ahead for a sophomore’s perspective on COVID-19. Stay safe!

Lockdown sparks emotions

A Sophomore’s take on sheltering in place
Charlotte Weiss, Feature Chief
April 22, 2020
PAINTING DURING QUARANTINE. After one week of online school, feature chief Charlotte has found comfort in painting when she has off time from classes.

Conquering online school

What my life looks like after Covid-19 closed my school.
Charlotte Weiss, Feature Chief
March 29, 2020
BUZZ BUZZ. Sophomore Delaney Ciotola scrolls through her notification center on her phone during aviator bell. Many SHS students keep their phone with them during class and at times the buzz or ding of their device disrupts class. Studies of the National Center for Biotechnology Information have found that push notifications can result in a decrease of cognitive function, or one’s ability to process thoughts. “when I am trying to work on homework I see notifications pop up and I have this idea in my mind that I have to answer right away so I get off task,” Ciotola said.

Phone notifications causing chaos

Do our smart phone’s buzzes and beeps harm us?
Charlotte Weiss, feature chief
February 4, 2020
STUDY HARD. Sophomore Grace Koo spends her Aviator bell doing homework to minimize her daily work load. Most students spend Aviator bell with their friends instead of taking advantage of the thirty minutes of study hall they have each day. Make sure to spend your time wisely to ensure you will have free time that night or on the weekend. “Outside of school I try to keep a list of goals for the day because it helps me stay on track and be focused on my priorities. And if I have trouble focusing at home doing hw and assignments I go to the library or a coffee shop bc the change of setting gives me a better working  environment and motivation,” Koo said.

Study smarter not harder

Charlotte Weiss, Feature Chief
December 5, 2019
Upgrading Iphone photography

Upgrading Iphone photography

Charlotte Weiss, Feature Chief
September 23, 2019
Do we have time to sleep?

Do we have time to sleep?

Charlotte Weiss, Feature Chief
September 13, 2019
Summer road trip playlist

Summer road trip playlist

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
May 23, 2019
Shashank Obulasetti, 9

Shashank Obulasetti, 9

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
May 22, 2019
Jake Hertzman, 9

Jake Hertzman, 9

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
April 24, 2019
Chad Miller, 9

Chad Miller, 9

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
March 25, 2019
MATH. Dr. Olga Ladyzhenskaya was a mathematician that greatly advanced fluid dynamics, such as weather forecasting. Also, her work improved cardiovascular technology and oceanography forever. Ladyzhenskaya went to multiple universities in Russia, but although she is respected today, she was seen as a rebel by the Soviet Union. She passed away in 2004 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Olga Ladyzhenskaya

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
March 14, 2019
LEVIOSA NOT LEVIOSAR. Emma Watson, now 28, at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France to preview new films and documentaries from all around the world. The film festival was created in 1946 and will celebrate its 72nd festival in 2019. Watson’s film “The Bling Ring” was previewed at the 2013 festival. “Young girls are told you have to be the delicate princess. Hermione taught them that you can be the warrior,” Watson said.

Emma Watson

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
March 7, 2019
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) is currently a U.S. Supreme Court justice. Before receiving this outstanding role, RBG was on the Court of Appeals and also attended Harvard and Cornell University. While at Harvard University, RBG attended her husband’s classes while he went through treatment for cancer and took care of her young daughter. “Women will have achieved true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation,” RBG said, according to the Huffington Post.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
March 4, 2019
Madam C.J. Walker

Madam C.J. Walker

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
February 14, 2019
How to care for your pet

How to care for your pet

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
February 14, 2019
Peyton Harmon, 9

Peyton Harmon, 9

Charlotte Weiss, Bussiness Staff
February 13, 2019
Thomas L. Jennings was the first African American to receive a patent, which was for dry-sourcing. This led to today's dry cleaning.

Thomas L. Jennings

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
February 13, 2019
WOOF WOOF. Do not try to get a dog by being responsible, instead by a dog with your parents money and run away forever! If this strategy is not one you would like to perform, trick your parents into doing everything for your dog, in place of you. Whatever strategy you choose, it is guaranteed that you will end the week, even the day, with a new furry friend.

How to get a furry friend

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
February 13, 2019
Lily Armbruster, 9

Lily Armbruster, 9

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
January 31, 2019
German Shepherds facts

German Shepherds facts

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
January 21, 2019
BARK BARK. Junior Kiri Basher’s dog, Mario patiently waits while he gets his photo taken. Mario is a goldendoodle that will only get his picture taken if he gets a treat afterword. Also, he loves to play with his brother Bear and barks at nothing. He likes to “consistently annoy you until you give him a belly rub,” Basher said.

Want some love? Get a Dog!

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
January 16, 2019
Patrick Thompson, 9

Patrick Thompson, 9

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
January 8, 2019
HO HO HO. Over the years, Christmas has become more and more materialized.  By selling cute wrapping paper or displaying picture perfect Christmas tree themes, companies have taken advantage of this sudden need for gifts, and not family time. While most adults still value the family time, children are most excited for the presents. “Every Christmas morning, my mom and I open presents and then she makes french toast for me. Christmas Day can be crazy sometimes, so it’s nice to have a calm morning with my mom,” said Kiri Basher, 11.

Christmas is focused on presents

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
December 16, 2018
Holiday trivia

Holiday trivia

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
November 27, 2018
Grace Caldwell, 9

Grace Caldwell, 9

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
November 19, 2018
ALL THE DRAMA. The TV show, “Glee,” although old and not as popular, is still a show some SHS students enjoy. “Glee” features Will Schuester, the director of the Glee Club, played by Matthew Morrison, and other students in the school and Glee Club. Although the drama in “Glee” may be too much for some viewers, for others, the intense plot is enjoyable. “I like 'Glee' because its a light hearted show with a lot of fun music,” said Debasmita Kanungo, 11.

SHS sings with ‘Glee’

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
November 15, 2018
WAG YOUR TAIL. Guide dog in training, Jackson, takes a short nap on the floor during second bell. Junior Robert Wise brings Jackson, an English Black Lab, to two bells once a week to let Jackson socialize and get used to crowded halls. The Wise family has trained three other dogs and have enjoyed teaching the dogs multiple different commands such as “sit,” “down,” and even “touch.” “Also our experience has been very positive with this dog, he’s been very calm for the most part but gets very excited at different times,” Wise said.

Service dog goes to school

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
November 8, 2018
Seniors dress up, enjoy tradition

Seniors dress up, enjoy tradition

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
October 28, 2018
Megan Radakovich, 9

Megan Radakovich, 9

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
October 23, 2018
GO AVES. The Junior Varsity cheerleaders motivate the freshmen during the pep rally. On Fri., Oct. 12, all students gathered in the gym for the this year’s first school pep rally. Homecoming court was announced and the classes even participated in a tug-a-war against the other grades. Also, the varsity cheer team performed a dance, as did the SHS dance team, the Flyerettes. “My favorite part is being a part of a team and representing school spirit overall has a great vibe to it,” said Tasia Carrington, 9.

Running into homecoming weekend

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
October 15, 2018
Sarah Lynn, 9

Sarah Lynn, 9

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
September 19, 2018
FRIENDS FOREVER. Before the game, the members of the girls varsity soccer team, gather together to wish each other luck and encourage one another. This team bonding exercise worked, and the team won 5-0 against Walnut Hills. "We get to know each other and we are there to help each other out if we need it. We are like one big happy family” said Lily Armbruster, 9, girls JV soccer player. Congrats to the girls varsity soccer team!

Girls Varsity Soccer plays, bonds

Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
September 17, 2018
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Charlotte Weiss