Valentine’s Day thoughts from freshman

XOXO. This image displays one of the most popular candies on Valentine’s Day: candy hearts. We give these to people with sweet notes written on each heart that they will read while taking out each candy.

Creative Commons

XOXO. This image displays one of the most popular candies on Valentine’s Day: candy hearts. We give these to people with sweet notes written on each heart that they will read while taking out each candy.

   Valentine’s Day is a day to give chocolates, flowers, and other fun little gifts to the people you love most.

   According to Good Housekeeping, “About 55% of Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day and spend an estimated $19.6 billion a year, including more than $1.8 billion on candy alone,” and when there isn’t anyone other than your family, this day might not be your favorite.  

   If you are 14 or 15, Valentine’s Day might not be very important to you.  When we were younger, it was the holiday we got candy on, and when we are older, it is the holiday we celebrate to show our love to someone, but for high schoolers, there is nothing special.

   This holiday is to express how you feel to someone and you show them you care with a gift, but most high schoolers are not in that kind of relationship.  To show how some of these students feel, here are some freshman thoughts about Valentine’s Day and what it means to them.


   “I have no problem with Valentine’s Day. The world could always use a little more love,” said Micah Nourie, 9.


   “Valentine’s Day makes me feel single,” said Avery Kuhlman, 9.


   “I love getting candy on Valentine’s Day,” said Adrian Banke, 9.


   “I like Valentine’s Day because I can show the people I love how much I care about them,” said Aleyna Duffield, 9.


“I like getting the chocolates on Valentine’s Day,” said Noah Ellis, 9.


   “I think Valentine’s Day is a nice day to show someone what they mean to you,” said Anna Munoz, 9.


   “I miss when we would get candy in elementary school,” said Braeden Milar, 9.


   “I think Valentine’s Day is sweet because not everyone shows their love every day,” said Isabella Caruso, 9.


   “I feel like Valentine’s Day is kind of overrated,” said Kyle Bobst, 9.