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  • April 5 - Relay for Life @ 3 pm
  • April 8 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - April 18 - Spring Holiday Day
  • April 23 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • April 24 - 26 - Theatre Spring Show @ 7 pm
  • April 29 - Underclassman Award Ceremony @ 8 am
  • April 30 - Orchestra Concert @ 7 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Christine Macke

Christine Macke , Staff Writers

Hi, my name is Christine Macke, I’m a sophomore and this is my first year in Journalism at Sycamore. I just transferred to Sycamore this year, and I’ve a had a really great experience so far. I’m enjoying all of my classes and I’ve made some very good friends. In addition to journalism, I’ve been getting involved in theatre and currently practicing for The Superhero Ultraferno one act play that will be performed in October. I enjoy performing arts a lot and I’m very excited to take part in the theatre program here. In my free time, I like to listen to music, read and write, spend time with my friends, and go shopping. I can’t really pick my favorite movie, because I love all of the marvel movies so much it’s impossible for me to choose. My favorite food is ice cream, especially black raspberry chip from Graeter’s. I’m very excited because I’m getting two guinea pigs soon, and it will be the only time I’ve had any pets, except for my goldfish named Rico who lived for six months.

All content by Christine Macke
AP testing will continue over the next two weeks with two tests per day. The tests are lengthy, but after a student is finished, they are excused from classes for the rest of the day. The scores for tests will be released in July.

AP testing begins

Christine Macke, Staff Writer
May 4, 2016
The ISIS flag is a main symbol of the terrorist organization, and its image generates fear. The flag reads: “There is no God but Allah, Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.” This phrase is known as the shahada, a declaration of faith used across Islam.

ISIS’ reign of terror

Christine Macke, Staff Writer
December 11, 2015
Size of solar system

Size of solar system

Christine Macke, Staff Writer
December 11, 2015
Is it ever acceptable for a wedding guest to attend the ceremony and reception -- without giving a gift? (Photo courtesy Fotolia/TNS)

Best places for holiday shopping

Christine Macke, Staff Writer
December 11, 2015
Eye color around the world

Eye color around the world

Christine Macke, Staff Writer
October 16, 2015
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Christine Macke