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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Deeya Prakash

Deeya Prakash, Editor in Chief

Hi! My name is Deeya Prakash, and I am a senior here at SHS. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been obsessed with books. Reading has taken me to different cities, countries, realms, and universes, all while sitting in one place. I considered books to be magic, and I still do today. However, eventually, I grew tired of being the audience and decided to become the magician. As soon as I began to write, I fell in love, and I knew that this was something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Aside from being in the program for the last two years, I had only ever written fictional pieces and had never experimented with informative writing. That’s why I joined this class, and suffice to say, I have no regrets. I loved getting to know all of the amazing staffers at the Leaf and creating pieces for all of the students to enjoy. Having someone come up to you and tell you that they liked your piece in the magazine or on the web was one of the most rewarding feelings that I had ever experienced, and I’m back for more! This year, I will be taking on the role of the Deputy Content Editor; I will be in charge of all of the content of the magazine in all sections but primarily package. This is quite a large undertaking, but with the support of my fellow editors, I know it is going to be a great time. I love my role in this program as it allows me to meet so many new people all while still getting the opportunity to write and explore the journalistic style. I look forward to seeing what this year entails for me and I hope to grow as a writer and leader with the help of my peers and teachers, and hopefully, assist others in their writing endeavors. As a content editor, I know that I will likely be someone that my peers turn to for help, and I am hoping that I can be a good resource for anyone that needs assistance (or even just a chat or conversation!). Outside of school, I write a lot, be it memoirs, short stories, or mid-life-crisis-4am-type-beat poems. In addition, I love to read (Surprise!), draw and hang out with my friends and family. I also play on the Sycamore Girls Varsity Golf team as well as swim competitively. Both of these sports have taught me commitment, determination, hard work, and discipline, which have come in handy in other parts of my life. Some of my other favorite things include sea life (particularly orca whales!), Broadway musicals, traveling, the Jonas Brothers, and of course, Harry Potter. Can’t discount the iconic wizard Albus Dumbledore, who once said that “Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.” I couldn’t agree more.

All content by Deeya Prakash
LEADING LADY. Her second leading role in her SHS theatre career, junior Payton Hines played the quirky and romantic Juliet, her friendship with Romeo actor Jake Jervis coming in handy as they told a tale of love, woe, and unexpected happiness. Hines has expressed her sadness about how the arts have been severely disadvantaged during the pandemic, but is thrilled to be back on stage. “We are all just so extremely excited to be performing again with the energy of the audience, the lights, and the physical community for being together. While this year looks different and we have faced a new set of challenges, we are just so grateful to be back doing what we love,” Hines said.

Romeo & Juliet: the musical

An SHS student production telling the tale of love, woe, and unexpected happiness
Deeya Prakash, Deputy Content Editor
April 21, 2021
VACCINATIONS. Almost all SHS staff members have been fully vaccinated, and as we are taking steps toward a healthier school experience, we can’t help but celebrate this victory after a year of so much uncertainty. Read below for more!

“Get in, get your shot, and go”

SHS faculty reflect on vaccinations after being completely immunized
Deeya Prakash and Maya Bierhoff
March 13, 2021
SMALL BIZ SATURDAY. This holiday weekend, take some time to support SHS small businesses, like Upcycle Fashion Boutique, CK Crochet, Hoops for Hope Cincy, and the beloved Designs by Grace Z. Not only will you be getting a product you love, but you will bring a smile to a fellow SHS student, who has worked tirelessly to make their business a success. “Our products are always made for different reasons. Products made with love take a lot of effort, and it is so different when it is handmade and not made in a factory. Knowing where your product came from makes all the difference,” said Trisha Chidambaram, creator of Upcycle Fashion Boutique.

SHS small businesses dominating Black Friday

With some additional sales on Small business Saturday
Deeya Prakash, Deputy Content Editor
November 27, 2020
BREAKING NEWS. SHS administrators have just released updated information regarding the new way we will be doing clubs and activities in the era of COVID-19. Though cubs are strongly encouraged to meet virtually, face-to-face meetings have been approved with several extensive measures required. As always, “all clubs must follow the same social-distancing guidelines as classrooms if meeting face-to-face,” said Mr. Ashwin Coratiyll, student administrator. Photo taken before COVID-19.

Update on clubs

What will SHS clubs look like moving forward?
Deeya Prakash, Deputy Content Editor
October 21, 2020
FAMILY FUN. During quarantine the Taylors have not let up on their musical endeavors, singing originals and covers as Mason Taylor strums his mandolin, Chris Taylor plucking his guitar in the back. Recently, one of their parody videos, titled “COVID-19” won an online talent competition, the family recieving a $10,000 prize. “We hope we made you smile!” said JJ Taylor, mom to freshman Maxwell Taylor.

Taylors win big with humorous parody

How SHS family scored $10,000 in quarantine
Deeya Prakash, Opinion Chief
April 28, 2020
FORGET CORONA. All we want to do is just forget that coronavirus even exists. So, follow these tips to ensure you never have to think about it ever again! Remember, this article is purely satirical and is not meant to be interpreted literally at all. Stay safe everyone!

How to forget about Coronavirus

Deeya Prakash, Content Managing Editor
April 4, 2020
STUMBLING ON A BUSINESS. Junior Grace Zhang had no idea that creating a simple, trendy sweatshirt for herself would spiral into a full on business, as she was greeted with many requests for her butterfly garment. All of her profits have benefited children at The Dragonfly Foundation, and Zhang hopes to continue raising money. "This is such an important cause to me and I feel...really privileged that I get to help out," Zhang said.

Accidental entrepreneur

How one of SHS Leaf’s staff members created a thriving business
Deeya Prakash, Opinion Editor
December 6, 2019
“Outside of actually paying golf, our team does a lot of weird things. The weirdness of the team exists while we play but it is extremely evident when we’re not playing. This can be seen in our team sleepovers, especially between the antics of Emma and Sydney, they can be seen wrestling, fighting, throwing food, and just being lovable goof balls!”

Golf spotlight: Audrey Simons, 12

Deeya Prakash, Opinion Chief
October 29, 2019
GYMNASTICS. Sophomore Juliet Horenziak has been competing as a gymnast for over 10 years, and was recently named the Region 5 Junior National Champion on beam as well as all around. She hopes to pursue gymnastics in college just like her mother, hopefully at Stanford University. “It’s really nice to perform well, especially after all of the hours I spend and sacrifices I’ve made. It’s such a rewarding feeling,” Horenziak said. 

Horenziak flips through competition

Deeya Prakash, Opinion Chief
September 30, 2019
CAPTIVITY. Though Orca whales are the main attraction of parks like Sea World, bringing awestruck children and families from all across the country, these animals should not be kept in captivity. The physical and mental affects of confinement are extremely harmful to the orcas, and are causing many to die out fast. “I think that unless the aquarium or park is purely based on rehabilitation, it should not have any captive animals,” said Kasey Lowe, 10.

Whales out of water

Why they belong in the wild
Deeya Prakash, Opinion Chief
September 16, 2019
ACTION. Freshman Jake Hertzman recently went to watch the premiere of “Chance,” a movie in which he played the younger version of the main character. Shooting began in June, and he was on set for a total of 15 days. “Being around cameras actually isn’t that weird, once you get used to making enough eye contact with specific ones. You have to make sure you do it enough times but also not too much, just so it isn’t awkward,” Hertzman said.

Hitting into the Major League

How one SHS freshman took his love for baseball onto the movie scene
Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
May 13, 2019
Juliet Horenziak, 9

Juliet Horenziak, 9

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
May 1, 2019
REPRESENT. Among the new Student Council delegates, two of them are members of our very own journalism program. Junior Lydia Masset (left) and sophomore Maddie Suh (right) are grateful and honored to selected, and hope to develop their leadership skills in order to ensure a greater SHS. In addition, previously covered freshman Katie Mott (not pictured) has also been selected to represent the sophomore class next year. “I am honestly super excited and relieved that I got elected,” Mott said.

The Leaf represents

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
April 26, 2019


Deeya Prakash, Staff writer
April 9, 2019


Deeya Prakash, Staff writer
April 9, 2019


Deeya Prakash, Staff writer
April 9, 2019
Spring break in Spain

Spring break in Spain

Deeya Prakash, Staff writer
April 9, 2019
Aliza Newton, 9

Aliza Newton, 9

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
April 1, 2019
WHO’S SHE? A new guessing game known as “Who’s She” is ready to dominate the board game industry, showing girls and women alike that they are capable of anything. The game centers on highly accomplished women and their achievements, personality, and interesting facts about their lives, teaching the players as well as providing entertainment. “I would buy it because it seems like a very informational but still fun game,” said Grace Caldwell, 9.

‘Who’s She?’

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
March 21, 2019
UNSUNG HERO. Though she is not Fredrick Douglas or Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Wells was an extremely influential figure in the Civil Rights Era. Fighting for equality for African Americans, she helped to ban lynching or the act of killing without legal trial.

Ida B. Wells

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
March 11, 2019
Marissa Thorp, 10

Marissa Thorp, 10

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
February 20, 2019
Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama

Deeya Prakash, Copy Editor
February 20, 2019
SPEAKING OUT. The students and staff of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have recently released a book that is sure to change lives. This novel, titled “Parkland Speaks: Survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas Share their Stories” is a collection of poems, essays, letters, artwork, and photographs that depict the feelings and emotional trauma that the members of this community went through this time last year. “After the shooting I spent probably a month just writing poems, writing my thoughts out and I felt that was one of the ways I could slowly begin my healing process,” said one of the student contributors, Caitlynn Tibbetts, according to NBC News.

What Really Happened

Students and staff recount the shooting that changed their lives
Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
February 7, 2019
Grace Larrick, 10

Grace Larrick, 10

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
February 4, 2019
TIME FOR CHANGE. As the federal government takes no steps towards major reform, the states of our nation are pushing for new laws. In response to the tragic events of the past year, 2019 will be bringing new arm legislation in several U.S states such as California, Oregon, Illinois, and Washington. “I think that we need [to regulate] who is allowed to be in the possession of a firearm… that would be an ideal law,” said Kasey Lowe, 9.

New year brings new laws

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
January 16, 2019
Gunjan Bahri, 10

Gunjan Bahri, 10

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
January 14, 2019
THE END OF THE LINE. For most people, Avengers: Endgame will be a bittersweet movie. This is because many of the actors will be leaving, and the missing characters will leave a void of emptiness for die-hard marvel fans. “It’s going to be difficult because it seems like the end of an era,” said Kyle Goodpaster, 10.

Is Avengers: Endgame the end?

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
December 17, 2018
CHEATING WORKS. Forget studying for hours on end; the best way to ace a midterm exam is to cheat! There are several different ways of cheating, such as using your cellphone or even having someone else take the exam for you. “It is easy and painless, and frees up time for doing other, more enjoyable activities,” said Grace Caldwell, 9.

How to ace midterms

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
December 12, 2018
Jemma Pooley, 9

Jemma Pooley, 9

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
November 28, 2018
DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. A heart-stopping and jaw-dropping performance was brought by freshman Julia Mott at the Variety show. Mott delivered an eloquent statement about divorced families through her emotional dance routine, which she choreographed herself. She has been dancing since a very young age and has won many awards at the local, regional, state, and even national levels. “What I love about dance is it gives me a chance to express myself. I also love it because the more I dance and teach [dance], I grow as a dancer,” Mott said.

Variety Show wows audience

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
October 25, 2018
STUNT IN ACTION. Freshmen Kelly Donovan, Julia Trenary, and Grace Caldwell watch the footage of Tom Cruise’s stunt gone wrong. Cruise broke his ankle while attempting a dangerous stunt for his new movie, “Mission Impossible: Fallout.” “I love actors who do their own stunts,” Caldwell said.

Mission Impossible stunt goes wrong

Deeya Prakash, Staff Writer
September 13, 2018
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Deeya Prakash