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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Allison McElroy: Trends Editor

Allison McElroy, Trends Editor

   Hi! My name is Allison McElroy and I am a senior. This is my third year on the staff. I have always loved writing, so being in journalism has been one of my favorite experiences of high school! For the past two years, this program has helped me grow so much, both as a writer and as a person. I am serving as the Trends Chief this year, which means I manage all of the aspects of the Trends section of our newsmagazine, The Leaf. Since it is my second year in this role, I will also serve as a section editor mentor, which means I will help my fellow section editors whenever they have any questions. Last year, I was very grateful and proud to have one of my articles chosen for a “Best of SNO” award (you can read it here!) I am so excited to continue to provide amazing news coverage with our awesome staff and continue to grow as a leader and journalist during my final year in the program! 

   At school, I participate in Yoga Club. I began practicing yoga freshman year and throughout my high school career, it has been a great way to unwind and destress after a busy day at school. I am also in the OGB club, which is a club that does volunteer projects to benefit Operation Give Back. Additionally, I am in the TPA 2 class and will hopefully have the opportunity to be a student-teacher later this year in other schools in our district.

   Outside of school, one of my passions is singing in the Cincinnati Youth Choir. I have been in the choir since I was in fourth grade and it has become like a second family. Singing with my friends every Tuesday and Thursday night is always one of the best parts of my week! This year, choir is going to be mostly virtual, which is definitely not the ideal experience, but I am still excited to make the best of my last year in the organization! Singing in CYC has also given me incredible opportunities to travel to amazing places, for which I am very grateful. 

   Additionally, I love hanging out with my friends, baking, babysitting, and traveling. In the future, I hope to have a career in education, most likely as an elementary school teacher or a speech-language pathologist.

   Thanks for reading and enjoy our website! 

All content by Allison McElroy
 FASHION FOR THE CURE. On Thursday, April 22, Fashion For the Cure committee members, models, and designers gathered at the Dragonfly Foundation’s headquarters. They had a photo shoot in order to showcase the work of the student designers and celebrated surpassing this year’s fundraising goal, donating over $26,000 to the Dragonfly Foundation. Despite not being able to have a fashion show due to the pandemic, the FFTC committee found creative ways to raise money for the organization. “It’s definitely far from what I expected for my final year with Fashion For the Cure but I am so grateful I still had the opportunity to work with some of the most kind, inspiring, and creative girls to support the kids at Dragonfly,” said Grace Zhang, 12, co-chair of the FFTC committee.
Photo via Grace Zhang

Fashionably Fundraising

Fashion For the Cure celebrates it's 2021 fundraising efforts
Allison McElroy, Trends Editor
April 29, 2021
NOT TOO LATE. With college decision day quickly approaching, it may seem like there are not many scholarship opportunities still available. However, this is far from the truth. From creative and fun essays to quick and easy forms, there are several interesting options to choose from, and even more are available on the counseling department website.

It’s not too late!

Scholarships you can still apply for
Allison McElroy, Trends Editor
March 10, 2021

The Presidential Inauguration: A Rundown

Allison McElroy, Arts and Entertainment Director
January 18, 2021
Senior Paul Whaley, an employee at Jet’s Pizza,  is one of many people who have continued to work during the COVID-19 pandemic at essential businesses. Applying for a job at an essential business is one alternative way for teens who have lost a different job due to the coronavirus to make money. Whaley explained how his job has changed significantly since the pandemic began, since the restaurant has “switched to curbside pickup to minimize contact for everyone...allowed for customers to choose a contactless delivery option, [and] we all have to be wearing masks and gloves.”

COVID-19 cancelled your summer job—now what?

Alternative options for making money during the coronavirus pandemic
Allison McElroy, Trends Chief
May 20, 2020
STRANDED IN PERU. Sophomore Chloe Gordon works on her schoolwork while quarantined at a hotel in Cusco, Peru. The Gordon family became stranded in Peru along with thousands of other Americans after the president closed the borders on March 15.  “Until this trip, I took everyday freedoms such as going on runs, driving in a car, and my house for granted. For maybe the first six or seven days I was really relaxed and needed a break. Then I was starting to get stressed out because of online school and I just had my iPad to do school on. So it was really hard to do the work in a timely manner,” said Chloe Gordon, 10.

Stuck at home…far from home

Gordon family’s experience stranded in Peru
Allison McElroy, Trends Chief
April 1, 2020
“Miss Americana”: a review

“Miss Americana”: a review

Allison McElroy, Trends Chief
February 22, 2020
Jordyn Isaac, 10

Jordyn Isaac, 10

Allison McElroy, PR Team
May 23, 2019
Sophia Odaka, 10

Sophia Odaka, 10

Allison McElroy, PR Team
April 26, 2019
Metztle Elena, 10

Metztle Elena, 10

Allison McElroy, PR Team
March 27, 2019
Linda Brown

Linda Brown

Allison McElroy, PR Team
March 8, 2019
Maya Berry, 10

Maya Berry, 10

Allison McElroy, PR Team
February 15, 2019
INTERACTIVE. This is what the app Smiling Mind looks like.  The app suggests mindfulness programs for you to try and tracks your progress. You can also use the app to track how you feel before and after meditating.

I tried a mindfulness app for one week

here are my thoughts
Allison McElroy, PR Team
February 6, 2019
Ellie Forman, 10

Ellie Forman, 10

Allison McElroy, PR Team
February 1, 2019
Laura Nordin, 10

Laura Nordin, 10

Allison McElroy, PR Team
November 26, 2018
Paige Ellingson, 10

Paige Ellingson, 10

Allison McElroy, PR Team
October 25, 2018
Kyra McHugh, 10

Kyra McHugh, 10

Allison McElroy, PR Team
October 12, 2018
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Allison McElroy