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  • April 5 - Relay for Life @ 3 pm
  • April 8 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - April 18 - Spring Holiday Day
  • April 23 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • April 24 - 26 - Theatre Spring Show @ 7 pm
  • April 29 - Underclassman Award Ceremony @ 8 am
  • April 30 - Orchestra Concert @ 7 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Mark Huffer

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer

My name is Mark Huffer and I am a sophomore at Sycamore HS.  My favorite song is Oxygen by Lincoln Brewster and my favorite movie is Finding Dory.  I play soccer for Cincinnati United and recreational basketball.  I like The Office and Parks and Rec.  I have lived in Mexico for six years and been to Guatemala.  I wish to attend Moody Bible Institute for college and be a missionary when I am older in either Latin America or Africa.

All content by Mark Huffer
Giving 100 percent in sports

Giving 100 percent in sports

Easy steps to play your best
Mark Huffer and Jacob Wittenbaum
May 2, 2017
ACE.  SHS Aves looks to spike the ball against their competitor, La Salle High School.  The team lost this game 0-3.  This contributed to one of the four losses this season.

Aves volleyball sets its season

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
April 27, 2017
THREE, TWO, ONE.  UNC takes down Kentucky in the elite eight.  This was a very close game that came down to game changing seconds.  UNC ultimately played the better game as they spring ahead to the final four.

Madness marches on

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
April 3, 2017
ROAR. Kong : Skull Island was about an island that nobody could get to due to constant bad weather.  People from the US found an entrance in the weather that let them in the island.  They were looking for something a lot different than what they found.

Kong strikes theaters

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
March 27, 2017
RELAX.  This tournament is almost a month long, lasting from March 14 to April 3.  This is one of the nation’s best basketball moments even though it lasts way longer than just a moment.  People are able to create their own predictions of how the tournament will end up, and some even compete for money.

Madness begins

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
March 13, 2017
BOOM!  Boogie dominates the paint over in Sacramento.  Demarcus Cousins was traded to the Pelicans after the 2017 All-Star game.  Cousins will have to work with the other big man, Anthony Davis, another all star.

Boogie brings business to Pelicans

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
February 23, 2017
The Fellowship of Christain Athletes (FCA) kicked off on September 29.  Brenden Archer, 12, headed a lesson on unity in the campus of Sycamore High School, through students, teachers, and administrators.  This day, FCA was held in the teachers’ lounge.  It will be held in room 233 from now on every Thursday morning. All photos courtesy of Mark Huffer.

FCA kicks off in late 2016

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
January 9, 2017
Swish!  Cochran, number 23, graduates last year as starter on Varsity.  He plays college now but has left a dent  in Aves basketball.  The team looks to start the season without him.

Basketball puts in work for season

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
November 11, 2016
Origami is a part in Japanese culture and is a type of way to fold paper other than making paper airplanes.  It is just an example of what is done at Japanese Club.  Origami was a part of Japanese Club on September 26 and will be in the future.

Folding into first week

Mark Huffer, Staff Writer
September 30, 2016
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Mark Huffer