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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Maya Goldenberg

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer

Hello reader!
Thanks to my name being displayed in a large and bold font to the right, you probably know that I am Maya Goldenberg!
This is my first year on staff for The Leaf. I joined the staff in hopes of becoming more comfortable with writing, while also developing my own writing style; however, my main motivation was my desire to become Rory Gilmore from ‘The Gilmore Girls’.
As you may have surmised, in my free time I like to watch ‘The Gilmore Girls’ reruns- but that is not all I do.
I run cross country and I am an avid baker (My philosophy is run first, eat a bunch of dessert second.)
Recently, I have taken an interest in sewing and design, so I decided to join Fashion Club and become a board member for Fashion for the Cure.
Finally, on Sundays, I am a madricha, or teacher’s assistant at my synagogue where I basically laugh and play with third graders for three hours.
Thanks for reading about me!

All content by Maya Goldenberg
Recess Games

Recess Games

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
May 3, 2018
Jaquelynn McGraw, 10

Jaquelynn McGraw, 10

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
May 1, 2018
Why are puppies so cute?

Why are puppies so cute?

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
April 30, 2018
EXPRESS YOURSELF. Miller makes sketches, but she also makes clay art. One thing she makes out of clay are masks that show different emotions. One mask she created was to represent how one feels after hours of crying- she etched tears into her mask. She said that it is as if the tears scar her face.

Kim Miller

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
April 17, 2018
MUSICAL GENIUS. Savage has toured all over the world. He played in Jazz Festivals in Costa Rica, Spain, and Aruba. He even performed for the president of Singapore in Aruba.

Matt Savage

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
April 6, 2018
POWER OF THE PEN. Anzaldua was a very accomplished writer. She has won multiple awards. Some of which include the American Book Award which she won for Ths Bridge Called My Back, and the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Small Print for Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical.

Gloria Anzaldua

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
March 19, 2018
Debasmita Kanungo, 10

Debasmita Kanungo, 10

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
March 15, 2018
STRIKE A POSE. A dragonfly, which is what TDF calls the kids whom they help, and her fellow model pose during the show. This is the 12th annual FFTC fashion show. It is the fifth time FFTC has raised money for TDF.

FFTC finds donation total

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
March 8, 2018
Linya Guo, 10

Linya Guo, 10

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
March 6, 2018
IT’S AN HONOR. Former U.S. president, Barack Obama gives Katherine Johnson the presidential medal of freedom in 2015. The presidential medal of freedom is the highest civilian honor that a U.S. citizen can earn. Katherine received it because of her significant contributions to NASA, particularly her calculations for America’s first human spaceflight (with Alan Shepard).

Katherine Johnson

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
February 16, 2018
GOING, GOING, GONE. Glaciers like the pictured Mendenhall are rapidly retreating. This is due to climate change. “The ice has thinned and melted back more than 2000 meters since it was first measured in 1911,” said Gary Braasch, an environmental photojornalist.
Photo courtesy of Tribune Services.

America denies climate change

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
December 27, 2017
MAKING A SPLASH. At water polo practice, an offensive player gets the ball while defensive player, Aryan Godha, puts pressure on him. This demonstrates the aggressive nature of water polo--even at practices. Fribourg shares that he got his concussion while at practice. 
Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography

Pain of playing

Fribourg muddles through concussion
Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
December 4, 2017
HOLIDAY SPIRIT OVERLOAD. Two Sycamore students are in front of a structure made of gingerbread and icing on Christmas Eve. The life-sized gingerbread house is in Nemacolin, Pennsylvania. They participate in holiday festivities at a more proper time.

Put holiday cheer on hold

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
November 13, 2017
MAKEUP MADNESS. These beauty products show some of the more colorfully packaged makeup items available. The items sold in the Beauty Cabinet are not colorfully packaged- they are more clean cut and minimalistic. “I always like to see the fun packaging when I walk around at makeup stores, but I prefer a more simple aesthetic,” said Zoe Goldenberg, 12.

Madewell enters makeup market

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
November 8, 2017
HARD AT WORK. Stommel writes down the identifications for the specific granite slabs she is interested in for a house at a granite and marble warehouse. She finds that when choosing finishes for a home, it is best to stick with classics and avoid fads. “It is interesting to see how everything fits together. When you pick out the finishes, you have to make sure everything goes together, like a puzzle,” Stommel said. Photo Credit: Gretchen Stommel

Future architect constructs her future

Stommel flips houses and takes names
Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
November 2, 2017
GIRL WHO CODES. Sophomore Anupama Narayana, a GWC co-founder, works on her laptop. Narayana has been block coding since third grade. “I did not learn how to do text coding until ninth grade,” Narayana said.

Club encourages girls coding

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
October 24, 2017
STATE CHAMPIONS. Wadi Aburas (left), Izzi Gibbon (center), and Goldenberg (right). Zoe holds the state championship trophy- her team won state with a score of 47 to 5. “After all of my team’s hard work and effort, we finally have earned a state title,” Goldenberg said.

Senior risks it for rugby

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
September 28, 2017
DANCING QUEEN. Seniors Elissa Allen and Lukas Garcia are all smiles right before the 2017 prom. They are both wearing things designed by Allen. “I took a 1920’s wedding dress and combined it with a modern prom dress. I made his boutonniere and my head piece,” Allen said.

Fashion Club commences

Maya Goldenberg, Staff Writer
September 18, 2017
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Maya Goldenberg