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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Harsimran Makkad

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief

Hello! My name is Harsimran Makkad, and I am a senior at Sycamore High School. This is my fourth year in the journalism program, where I serve as Executive Web Editor-in-Chief, directing, developing, and managing the website, I believe in a hands-on approach, and my curiosity and desire to move fast often motivates me to get my hands dirty. Apart from posting articles daily, I am working to make the site more engaging to our viewers.

My exploration of various genres such as News, Feature, and Opinion has engendered a passion for social issues such as equality and women’s rights. This fervor erupted into a research paper I wrote last year, which traced the fight for women’s rights through the 1970s as part of the Feminist Art Movement.

Obviously, I love art of all forms: drawing, painting, sculpture, and graphic design. This is why I take pride in designing pages using software such as Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. I especially enjoy formatting pieces in a web-friendly manner. My love for art also extends to the fine arts – I am currently entering my 10th year of tap dancing at the College Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati, where I have also furthered my vocal and acting skills.

Through my time in journalism, I have learned to appreciate, and maybe even welcome, the uncomfortable. I even enjoy taking risks and trying new things. This applies to all my classes, particularly the sciences. For the past five years, I have explored various science projects in-depth, which I presented at the school, district, and state science fairs. I have employed statistics to validate robustness of experimental data, hypothesis testing to verify soundness of results, and have used calculus, vectors, and matrices to build mathematical models.  I wish to conduct similar research in college.

My love for science extends to the medical field. Over this summer, I interned at the Cincinnati Eye Institute, where through shadowing various ophthalmologists I honed the skill of interacting with others. What was invaluable was the diversity I encountered – people of all different ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. I listened to their stories and learned more about them as individuals. This experience was a self-realization: I want to make a difference in people’s lives sometime in the not-so-distant future, just as these doctors did with their patients. As the poet Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Thus, I hope to find a career that allows me to employ my knowledge and skills set to positively impact the world and make it a better place for all.

In addition to journalism, I take part in SHS’s Book Club, Math Club, and Latin Club. I am also an active member in National Honor Society. Volunteering with younger kids comes to me naturally since every day I help my two young siblings with their school work. Furthermore, I am a leader of a team working on the development and creation of an Alumni Wall for the school.

I love to read a variety of books, whether they are novels, news articles, or science-related journals.  Some of my favorite books include When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi, Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel, and The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood.  My motto is embodied by the words of Vivian Greene: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

All content by Harsimran Makkad
Nathalie Bonin, 11

Nathalie Bonin, 11

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
May 10, 2018
THE OTHER SIDE. The opioid crisis that plagues the U.S. goes beyond opioid addiction and drug overdoses. It encompasses the plight of pain patients as the supply of opioids for proper medicinal use dwindles. Attention needs to be given to both sides of the crisis.

‘The other side’

Hospitals, pain patients face shortage of painkillers due to changing guidelines
Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
May 7, 2018
ART GALORE. Senior Kaitlyn Jiang looks at artwork on display at the Senior Art Show on May 4 as she snacks on some of the food provided. The show features pieces created by the AP Studio Drawing, 3D, and Photo seniors. This is their final show at the high school.

Senior Art Show decorates lobby

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
May 4, 2018
Breaking silence on ‘Day of Silence’

Breaking silence on ‘Day of Silence’

SHS students share thoughts on how LGBTQ+ issues affect them
PICK UP. Seniors pick up their caps, gowns, and tassels in the Commons during sixth bell on May 2. They were told to hang their gowns up as soon as they got home to prevent wrinkling. Graduation will be on May 19 at 9:00 a.m.

Seniors pick up caps, gowns

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
May 2, 2018
HAVING FUN. Juniors and seniors explore the inflatables in the gym during After Prom on April 29. The event, hosted by the PTO, ran from midnight until 4:00 a.m. There were many other activities such as Kahoot, two hypnotist shows, gambling stations; there were raffles, and food was provided.

After Prom transforms school

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
April 30, 2018
Aviator Chorale, Bella Voce compete at state

Aviator Chorale, Bella Voce compete at state

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
April 29, 2018
DANCING ALL NIGHT. Senior Melinda Looney dances with other juniors and seniors at the prom on April 28. Prom took place from 8:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Manor House in Mason. There were drinks and small snacks provided to add to the event

‘A Midnight in Paris’

Juniors, seniors dance at prom
Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
April 29, 2018
EXPERIENCE. "Perhaps the most important part of my National History Day experience was that of writing the paper itself. I quickly learned that I need to be extremely organized and detailed in my research in order to write intelligently about my subject. Also, I made sure to develop an aura of confidence before I entered the room; it was difficult to keep my calm in the face of critical judges," said Grant Bruner, 11.

Young historian advances to national competition

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
April 24, 2018
WILL YOU DANCE WITH ME? Student Council and PTO members sell Prom and After Prom tickets in the Commons. Tickets went on sale on April 12 and will be on sale for the upcoming weeks. In order to purchase tickets, students must fill out a consent form to be signed by their parents; the form can be found on the PTO website, in the office, or at the tables during both lunches.

Prom, After Prom tickets go on sale

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
April 12, 2018
PREVENTION. Dr. Ami Klin has done considerable research with detecting autism markers among infants. He aims to lower the age of detection and improve access to early treatment. The goal is to improve outcomes for children with autism.

Dr. Ami Klin

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
April 12, 2018
Melinda Looney, 12

Melinda Looney, 12

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
April 2, 2018
On March 31, seven high school students competed at the state Ohio High School Mathematics Invitational Olympiad (OHMIO), which was hosted at Capital University. They were among the top 100 scorers in the state on the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics contest (OCTM), which was on February 24 at Lakota West High School. OHMIO consists of three parts: an individual non-multiple choice section, an individual cipher round, and a team pressure competition; this year, junior Max Guo placed first overall at OHMIO.

Young mathematicians compete at state OHMIO

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 31, 2018
OJCL competitors bring home awards

OJCL competitors bring home awards

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 28, 2018
HONOR. AP European History students honor America's fallen at the Normandy American Cemetery. This was one of the stops they made during their trip to Europe, which lasts over a week. They previously visited Paris, where they toured places such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.

Young historians honor fallen soldiers

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 27, 2018

‘Be the change’

Youth pursue active mindsets
Harsimran Makkad and Sydney Weiss
March 25, 2018

Latin scholars win numerous accolades

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 19, 2018
NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE ACTION. SHS students stand in solidarity with tens of thousands of other students across the nation during the National Walkout on March 14. They demanded action regarding gun violence; some will even be traveling to Washington D.C. for March for Our Lives, which will happen on March 24. "It's up to us, in this generation, to enact change...We will be the dominoes to topple our leaders into action," said Asa Hodrick, 12.

Students call for change

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 16, 2018
'Enough is enough'

‘Enough is enough’

Students walk out as sign of unity for Stoneman Douglas students, demand for action
Harsimran Makkad and Allyson Bonhaus
March 14, 2018
ENOUGH. Students stand in the soccer fields after walking out of the school at the end of third bell on March 14. They listened to 19 speakers as they relayed the stories of the victims of the Parkland shooting in Florida along with encouraging change. The walkout was entirely student-led and non-partisan.

Student activists walk out for beliefs

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 14, 2018
Happy Pi Day

Happy Pi Day

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 14, 2018
“PEOPLE’S PRINCESS.” Princess Diana meets with a child during her visit to Angola. She was extremely popular for her humanitarian efforts and remains so even after her death. Diana was particularly known for her positive energy and her ability to uplift those around her.

Princess Diana of Wales

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 13, 2018
IT’S ALMOST HERE. Students in the AP art classes as well as in AP Photo and the fashion class set up the district art show on Fri. March 2. They missed all their classes, coming in at 7:00 a.m. to put up the foam cores, tables, and the runway for the fashion students’ dresses. They then spent much of the day hanging up artwork from young artists in the district before hanging up their own portfolios. “I loved getting to see all the little kids’ artwork and the potential they have to become amazing artists in the future,” said Lavanya Konda, 12.

Fine Arts Weekend wows community

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 5, 2018
POSE. Seniors Emily Chien and Thea Ferdinand show off the opening panel for the AP Studio Art section of the district art show, which opened on March 2. The panel displays photos of all the artists in the studio classes; similar panels were used for the AP 3D and AP Photo students. Each group picked a theme for their panel; for AP Studio, the theme was Bob Ross.

Students display work in annual district art show

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 3, 2018
TO THE TOP. Senior Max Snyder places a tennis ball on top of a straw tower while seniors Matthew Isakson and Jodie Lawson look on. They were challenged to design and build towers that would support a tennis ball. The seniors received first overall while the sophomores placed second among all freshman and sophomore teams.

TEAMS of young engineers achieve victory

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 26, 2018
Taft ARC program opens new doors for students

Taft ARC program opens new doors for students

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 26, 2018
NOT ENOUGH. The Trump administration has taken on a “just say no” campaign. The main solution the president has been advocating for is his border wall. However, it will take more to combat this epidemic.

‘More than just a drug problem’

Government actions fail to stem root of opioid epidemic
Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 20, 2018
Trump speaks to crowd of supporters

Trump speaks to crowd of supporters

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 11, 2018
Media preps for president’s arrival

Media preps for president’s arrival

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 11, 2018
Security increases as time for presidential visit nears

Security increases as time for presidential visit nears

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 11, 2018
Officers put safety measures in place

Officers put safety measures in place

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 11, 2018
SAFA Scholarship application period opens

SAFA Scholarship application period opens

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 6, 2018
Sycamore closes schools due to president's visit

Sycamore closes schools due to president’s visit

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 2, 2018
Carolyn Zhang, 11

Carolyn Zhang, 11

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 1, 2018
RACE, CLASS, GENDER. hooks’ writing tends to be from a postmodern female perspective, through which she addresses race, class, and gender in education, art, history, sexuality, and mass media. As a writer, hooks chose the pseudonym “bell hooks” in tribute to her great-grandmother Bell Hooks, who was known for her opinions, and kept it in the lowercase to keep the focus on her work rather than her name. “It is the substance of my books, not who is writing them, that is important,” hooks said.

Bell Hooks (bell hooks)

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
February 1, 2018
ACHIEVEMENT. Junior high and high school students present their projects at the annual high school science fair. For many, this is the opportunity to explore and delve into fields they may not be able to in the classroom. Those who received a superior rating on Jan. 27 will advance to the UC Science and Engineering Expo, where they can win various monetary awards and scholarships.

‘Beyond the classroom’

Young scientists present experiments at high school science fair
Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
January 27, 2018
EXPLORE. The senior team that will be participating in the annual Technology Student Association (TSA) TEAMS competition walks around the Blue Ash Recreation Center, noting the current structure and electrical system. On Jan. 24, they went on the field trip to note any possible areas which they can improve to make the center "greener," as they will detail in a written essay. The essay is the first portion of the competition the team must complete.

TEAMS senior team explores Blue Ash Rec on field trip

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
January 25, 2018
TIME’S UP. The #MeToo movement along with its branches #MeTooK12 and Time’s Up continues to gain momentum, bringing awareness to the issues of sexual harassment and the dominance of wealthy men. This also sheds light to the gender disparity apparent in American society. For change to happen, particularly beginning in 2018, both men and women must join together and speak up.

Speaking out against sexual harassment equals catalyst for change?

Women, men (can) bring about new era by joining together, saying ‘Me too,’ ‘Time's up’
Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
January 19, 2018
STANDING IN SOLIDARITY. Recently, the country has witnessed a rising wave of sexual harassment allegations as #MeToo gains momentum. The nonprofit organization Sexual Assault in Schools launched #MeTooK12 as an extension of #MeToo to bring light to the sexual harassment and assault that occurs in K-12 schools. “May we teach our children that speaking out without the fear of retribution is our culture’s new North Star,” said American actress Laura Dern at the Golden Globes ceremony. This comes after the Trump administration rescinded the Title IX guidance that directed schools to show transparency with their handling of sexual assault reports.

Beyond numbers with #MeTooK12

Students join women in saying #MeToo
Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
January 11, 2018
Poverty in India worsens

Poverty in India worsens

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
December 25, 2017
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Harsimran Makkad