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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Anna Zhou

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor

Hi! My name is Anna Zhou and I am a senior at Sycamore High School. As a part of The Leaf, our national award-winning publication, I am serving as the Executive Managing Editor. My duties include assisting staff members with designing pages as well as overseeing the production of our four platforms: The Leaf, The Leaflet (our online magazine),, and WAVES (our broadcast department). During my four years on staff, I have really come to enjoy designing pages, producing PSA’s/ENG reports, and writing stories for multiple genres. Outside of journalism, I am also a varsity tennis player and a member of our school’s academic quiz team. In my free time, I often find myself working on my newest art project or baking my latest sweet obsession.

As my time in room 115 is soon coming to an end, I can honestly say that being on the staff of The Leaf has been one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. I take great pride in the time I have spent with my fellow journalists being the Official Student Voice of Sycamore High School.

All content by Anna Zhou
Despite what many people may think, AQT is a sport that requires quick reflexes. AQT has started its season off successfully with a 4-1 record.

Academic Quiz Team buzzes through early competition

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor
December 10, 2015
A look at Millennial politics

A look at Millennial politics

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor
November 20, 2015
Sister Alyssa Meis leads a yoga class during a retreat in Tracy, Calif., at the  Seeds Of Life Spirituality Center, run by the Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity, on June 10, 2015. Sister Meis is one of two nuns working with novices and discerners who are entering the religious life, like the small group of nuns living in the convent in Long Beach on the grounds of St. Anthony's Catholic Church. (Mark Boster/Los Angeles Times/TNS)

Yoga helps students reduce stress

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor
November 12, 2015
The most dangerous things in the world

The most dangerous things in the world

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor
October 30, 2015
A traditionally conservative state, Ohio will see Issue 3 on the ballot this November. If the issue passes, Ohio will become the first state to legalize marijuana without legalize it first for only medical purposes. However, the it has sparked heated debate.

Ohio debates passage of Issue 3

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor
October 21, 2015
Teaching Professions Academy students take part in activity that tests perception. TPA as a project-based class offered at SHS. Project-based classes involve applying real-world contexts to material learned in class rooms. Photo courtesy of Lauren Glynn

Project-based create new ways to apply knowledge

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor
October 16, 2015
Getting to know the SAT

Getting to know the SAT

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor
September 24, 2015
Little Drops

Little Drops assists destitute people in India

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor
September 13, 2015
Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

Local activities provide cool entertainment
The outbreak of Ebola has caused a global emergency. Since the outbreak began, the virus has spread to countries such as Spain,  England, and even the United States. The death toll  has reached nearly 5,000

Ebola outbreak creates global emergency

Anna Zhou, Executive Managing Editor
November 3, 2014
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Anna Zhou