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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Adhiti Chundur

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor


My name is Adhiti Chundur and I am a senior at Sycamore High School. This is my fourth and final year in the journalism program, and I am returning as the Associate Editor and as a Print Editor-in-Chief, which means I work on editing and designing pages for our news magazine, The Leaf.

In my time in room 115, I have learned about my love for advocacy and the world around me. Writing stories about issues both close to home and about the world around me has allowed me to form a better perspective. Additionally, I cultivated a love of social issues, especially women’s/civil rights and education. I hope to find a career that allows me to utilize my knowledge and skills to make a positive impact in the world.

In connection with my interest in advocacy, I take part in The Memory Project Club, where we create portraits of children in third world countries who have lost parents or faced abuse and neglect. We send the portraits to them, and they serve as a personal memento that shows they are valued and cared for. I feel that if I can use art to help others and make them feel valued, that is the best use of my skills and talents.

I also love art in any form: drawing, painting, and graphic design. I spend a lot of time outside of academics deepening my learning and skills by exploring new mediums and techniques. I enjoy connecting what I learn from art to other areas in my life. Exploring the intersection of different modes of thinking and creating is what I would love to carry through my life.

Additionally, journalism has expanded my boundaries in creating. In this class, I have become proficient in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, which in turn allows me to broaden my scope of mediums and art forms.

My love of art also extends to music-for the past 10 years, I have been learning classical piano at the Toedtman School of Music. My two favorite composers are Beethoven and Chopin.

I also love to read a variety of books, whether they be novels, news articles, or comedical biographies. Some of my favorite books are Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, and Holy Cow by David Duchovny.

In addition to journalism, I take part in the SHS Book Club and The Memory Project Club, and I pursue art outside of school.

A quote to live by: “We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.” -Alexander Lloyd, author.

All content by Adhiti Chundur
Coral Bleaching

Coral Bleaching

The Great Barrier Reef
Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
May 17, 2018
100 years from now

100 years from now

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
May 16, 2018
Breaking silence on ‘Day of Silence’

Breaking silence on ‘Day of Silence’

SHS students share thoughts on how LGBTQ+ issues affect them
FINAL COUNTDOWN. Every year, the senior class gets yard signs with their names on them. They are currently displayed in the senior parking lot, greeting the class of 2018 back from Senior Skip Day. At the end of this week on Launch Day (May 4), seniors will be wearing gear announcing which colleges they will attend next school year.

Senior signs say goodbye

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
May 1, 2018
Earth Day

Earth Day

Celebrating vibrant, diverse world we inhabit
Adhiti Chundur and Taylor Close
April 12, 2018
SPRINT. Joyner falls to her knees after winning gold. She is at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, and her 200 meter record is still the top time for any women since then. Because of this, she is considered one of the fastest women of all time.

Florence Griffith Joyner

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
March 30, 2018
FIGHT. Juniors Allison Landrum and Karissa Grandin create posters for the school walkout. A group of seniors organized the school-wide walkout to protest the gun violence in the United States. It took place on March 14 and featured student and staff speakers.

When students speak up

How student activism impacts SHS, Cincinnati
Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
March 20, 2018
Psychology of fear

Psychology of fear

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
March 20, 2018


Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
March 12, 2018
VISIONARY. The sharp and minimal design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial garnered Maya Lin national recognition. It is considered one of the most influential memorials of the post WWII period. Lin was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 2009, a film about her art, “Maya Lin: A Strong, Clear Vision,” won 1994 Oscar for best documentary, and she was awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016 by President Barack Obama.

Maya Lin

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
March 9, 2018
International Women's Day

International Women’s Day

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
March 8, 2018
STATEMENT. In pieces such as “Darkytown Rebellion,” Walker mixes mediums to create an intensely visual experience for her viewer. Bright colors are projected onto a panoramic scene of violence in the Antebellum South. She currently lives in New York, where she is on the staff of the MFA program at Columbia University.

Kara Walker

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
February 28, 2018
Lavanya Konda, 12

Lavanya Konda, 12

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
February 13, 2018
GROUNDBREAKER. Marshall served as an Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court from October 1967 until October 1991. During his long career, Marshall consistently fought for civil rights and challenged institutional racism. He voted in the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade as well as Furman v. Georgia.

Thurgood Marshall

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
February 9, 2018
A Breakdown of the GOP Tax Plan

A Breakdown of the GOP Tax Plan

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
February 7, 2018
Coping with distress

Coping with distress

Tips for dealing with anxieties and worry in the aftermath of a mass shooting
Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
November 1, 2017
AP Artists explore TAFT ARC

AP Artists explore TAFT ARC

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
October 6, 2017
Gun violence in America

Gun violence in America

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
October 4, 2017
SAVED BY THE BELL. Drake Bell, the headlining artist for High School Nation, closes out the event. The former “Drake and Josh” star was eagerly anticipated by SHS students. He played some of his more recent songs like “Leaves” as well as the much-requested “Drake and Josh” theme song, “I Found a Way.”

High School Nation rocks SHS

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
September 25, 2017
SOCIAL COMMENTARY. Art students in Mrs. Kat Rakel-Ferguson interpret prints by local artist Saad Ghosn. Ghosn is a local artist who creates woodcut prints that express different critiques of society and discrimination. The AP art students have various artists visits throughout the year to inspire them to create meaningful pieces.

Local artist visits classes

Adhiti Chundur, Associate Editor
September 20, 2017
ANTICIPATION. Seventh bell science classes view the eclipse through their special protective glasses. At SHS, students and teachers were in the path of 91 percent totality. The eclipse reached its peak at 2:29 p.m. Photos courtesy of Adhiti Chundur.

Awe-sun eclipse

SHS students view rare planetary event
Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
August 21, 2017
​EXCITEMENT. Freshmen wander the Commons, exploring different options for classes, clubs, and sports. Seniors, who were required to come in, promoted their activities. Freshmen  came in one day before the rest of the high school to become acclimatized to SHS and to build relationships with upperclassmen.

First day fun

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
August 16, 2017
SHOWCASE. SHS students display work in the SOS show at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. A common theme through the art was politics and inclusivity. This exhibition is free and open to the public.
Photo courtesy Adhiti Chundur

Artists prepare for SOS exhibition

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-In-Chief
May 12, 2017
Sycamore Pancake Day

Sycamore Pancake Day

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-In-Chief
May 12, 2017
Heroin treatments

Heroin treatments

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
April 6, 2017
TOO MUCH. Heroin harm reduction kits are put together in Baltimore, MD. Narcan, which is an antidote for overdoses, helps regulate breathing. However, with new drugs like carfentanil laced into heroin, the effectiveness of Narcan is severely diminished.

Generation of addicts emerges

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
April 5, 2017
Cincinnati Exchange Project

Cincinnati Exchange Project

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
April 3, 2017
Causes of Climate Change

Causes of Climate Change

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
March 17, 2017
PROTEST. Around the country protests sprung up in major cities in response to the executive order. The uncetain langugae of the ban upset and confused many. Those who were on visas or green cards were also unlawfully detained.

Refuge for refugees

Cincinnati stands by immigrants by declaring ‘sanctuary city’ resolution
Adhiti Chundur and Yasmine Guedira
March 11, 2017
International Women's Day

International Women’s Day

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
March 8, 2017
Octavia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson, and Janelle Monae, the stars of "Hidden Figures," pose with their awards. The actresses were backstage the 23rd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017. 
Spencer (left) played Dorothy Vaughan in the award- winning movie.

Dorothy Vaughan

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 24, 2017
Mary Jackson, played by Janelle Monae, left, Katherine Johnson, played by Taraji P. Henson, and Dorothy Vaughan, played by Octavia Spencer. The women are stars of the new movie"Hidden Figures." These women were trailblazers for women working in NASA.

Mary Jackson

Hidden Figures
Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2017
Simone, seen here in 2002 attending a benefit concert in New York. Simone broke out of a single genre and expanded her discography and style of music like no one before her.

Nina Simone

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 10, 2017
Tretheway is a high acheiving poet. Her style combines free verse with more traditional forms of poetry. Her work focuses on race in America.

[Photo] Natasha Trethewey

Harsimran Makkad, Web Editor-in-Chief
February 15, 2017
WE THE PEOPLE. Created by Shepard Fairey, the same artist who created the “HOPE” posters, these posters popped up in every march. They depicted different minorities such as Muslims, Latinos, and African Americans. “After this divisive campaign season with it’s fierce policies and statements aimed at women and minority groups, it was important to show the world and our country that there are still so many citizens who care about protecting the rights of all people,” said Jacob Spiegel, 12.

Signs of change

Posters at Cincinnati Women's March
Sydney Evans and Adhiti Chundur
January 25, 2017
All you need is love

All you need is love

SHS students and staff promote equality at Washington Park
Sydney Evans and Adhiti Chundur
January 24, 2017
Protesters march in Washington Park on Sat., Jan. 21. The march was meant to be an inclusive, peaceful protest to support  women, the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, people from different faiths, and many more. Women's marches took place all over the world.

Pretty in Pink

Women march across the globe
Sydney Evans and Adhiti Chundur
January 24, 2017
Artists start making final touches on their portraits. “I am excited about the final project and seeing all of the finished canvases side by side. I’m eager for the reactions of the children. I hope this brightens their day and I hope to do another one of these portraits in the future,” Looney-Ho said.

Memory project

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-In-Chief
November 22, 2016
President Barack Obama visits Cuba (March 21)
On March 21, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visited Cuba- the first president to travel there in 88 years. The President met with Cuban President Raul Castro to discuss the trade embargo as well as relations between the United States and Cuba.

Healing America

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-In-Chief
November 22, 2016
The Memory Project is a way for artists to both participate in a service learning project and support children who have been victims of abuse. The project supplies photos of children from specific countries every two months. Students can use any medium to realistically create a personal portrait. 
Photo courtesy: Adhiti Chundur

Canvas of Compassion:

Memory Project supports children in third world countries
Adhiti Chundur, Co-print editor in chief
November 7, 2016
The first female nominee for a significant political party shines a spotlight on the issues of women. The policies that further gender equality and pinpoint issues that affect women are crucial to keep the momentum for women’s issues going. Hillary's slogan is stronger together. Photo courtesy: MCT

Year of Female Voter:

Women’s issues take spotlight
Adhiti Chundur, Co-print editor in chief
November 7, 2016
Clinton speaks in front of a crowd in Florida. This ugly election cycle, to many, has been exhausting. But looking past the orange haze that has descended upon America reveals a candidate that truly believes that we are Stronger Together.

What it means to inspire

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-chief
November 4, 2016
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Adhiti Chundur, Co print editor-in-chief
November 4, 2016

Cincinnati combats heroin epidemic

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
November 1, 2016
Gun control policies

Gun control policies

Clinton vs. Trump
Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 26, 2016

Educate to end hate

Rise of American Islamophobia
Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 18, 2016

[Photo] Paying tribute to tragedy

Lauren Kurtzer, Creative Projects Director
October 18, 2016
Donald Trump supporters staged a rally on Monday, Sept. 12, 2016 across the street from the Baltimore Convention Center, where Trump addressed a gathering at the National Guard Association of the United States conference. (Kenneth K. Lam/Baltimore Sun/TNS)

Politics of fear

Election stirs up deep-rooted anxieties
Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 19, 2016
Other colleges including Carnegie Mellon offer extensive pre-college programs and college credit programs over the summer. Attending immersive programs gives students an unique perspective on the field. “I remember on the first day one of the counselors recited slam poetry all in computer code on Java,” said Looney-Ho.

Students use summer to plan for future

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor=in-Chief
September 12, 2016
A monument honoring Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest stands with the Confederate Flag. Monuments like these are still prevalent in the United States. Now, faced with much opposition states have been taking down Confederate memorabilia from state property.

‘Monument’-al mayhem

Adhiti Chundur, Co Print-Editor-in-Chief
May 10, 2016
Concept art for the newly designed $20 bill. Tubman will replace former president Jackson. The new bill will be in circulation by 2020.

New money, no problems

Jackson’s replacement on the $20: great step forward
Adhiti Chundur, Beats Editor
April 27, 2016
Konda sings at a function for her temple. Carnatic music is typically associated with Southern India. Indian classical music has evolved into two distinct styles: Hindustani music and Carnatic music.

Q & A with sophomore Lavanya Konda

Adhiti Chundur, Print Editor-in-Chief
April 20, 2016
Students work on decorating jugs and posters to promote the upcoming fundraiser. Club members will walk around with donation boxes, and raffle tickets. A donation of a dollar or more will be worth raffle tickets. Students can write down their student IDs on the back to put in the raffle for a Montgomery Inn gift card.

Fundraising for education

Adhiti Chundur, Beats Editor
April 11, 2016
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Adhiti Chundur