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  • April 5 - Relay for Life @ 3 pm
  • April 8 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - April 18 - Spring Holiday Day
  • April 23 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • April 24 - 26 - Theatre Spring Show @ 7 pm
  • April 29 - Underclassman Award Ceremony @ 8 am
  • April 30 - Orchestra Concert @ 7 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Sydney Weiss

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor

Welcome! I am Sydney Weiss, and I am a senior (woo hoo!).  I have been in journalism throughout all of high school. Year after year, I can not stay away from room 115. I have really enjoyed soaking up everything I possibly can about the various platforms, and I have had a ton of fun along the way. While I have held many positions throughout my four years, I am currently Web Editor and Art and Photo Managing Editor. As Web Editor, I help keep our award-winning website running each and every day. This means I post breaking news, interactive quizzes, infographics, and other content. I do not need to tell you that, seeing as you are on the website right now! As Art and Photo Managing Editor, I am in charge of the design aspects of The Leaf. I designed the style sheet for this year, and I design covers and layouts for each issue.

Although I spend a large chunk of my time in room 115, the rest of it goes to the theatre. I have been in musicals and plays of various genres throughout my time at the high school. My favorite show thus far has been “Into the Woods” where I played Milky White (yes, that’s the cow). This was not one of my most prestigious roles, but I love making people laugh, and this role gave me the perfect outlet to do so. Last year, I had the privilege of producing my self-written comedic play “Table for One.” Through this experience, I learned that I love playwriting.

I studied playwriting and fiction this past summer at Camp Interlochen, and I took an experimental writing course at Brown University through Summer@Brown in 2017. I hope to write and produce full-length plays at some point in the future. Enough about my lofty goals! This is not my resume!

My two favorite foods are sushi and chocolate, although I do prefer to eat them separately. I love to joke with and pull pranks on my friends, which has gone as far as convincing them I do stand-up comedy (I do not). As of now, I am thinking about pursuing law (maybe I lied about being finished with the lofty goals), but I am notoriously indecisive, perhaps because I am passionate about many different topics. Regardless, I know that the skills I have learned in room 115 will follow me wherever I go.

All content by Sydney Weiss
Casey Johnson, 11

Casey Johnson, 11

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
May 8, 2019
INNOVATION. Microsoft is a leader among companies making efforts to include employees with diverse abilities. They have a program designed to attract talent and support people on the autism spectrum. According to the page on inclusive hiring on Microsoft’s website, “From the very first days of our company, Microsoft has sought to enable individuals and organizations around world to do great things.”

Autism enters workplace

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
April 18, 2019
Sammi Miller, 12

Sammi Miller, 12

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
February 26, 2019
Adam Pelberg, 12

Adam Pelberg, 12

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
January 10, 2019
Snow day rituals

Snow day rituals

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
December 11, 2018
STAND UP. The Stand Up to Hate event on Fri, Dec. 8 was located in the Hub. Senior Shayna Kling (pictured) was one of the people that helped organize and lead the event. Speakers stood on the circular platform, while rows of chairs were set up for guests. “I loved listening to the speakers and I’m so happy that students walked away with something from the program as well,” Kling said.

Activists stand up to hate

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
December 10, 2018
Sarah Guedira, 12

Sarah Guedira, 12

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
December 3, 2018
Cheating Survey

Cheating Survey

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
November 29, 2018
Winter holidays arrive

Winter holidays arrive

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
November 28, 2018
Fast food by the numbers

Fast food by the numbers

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
October 29, 2018
Shayna Kling, 12

Shayna Kling, 12

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
October 29, 2018
Top podcasts gain popularity

Top podcasts gain popularity

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
September 30, 2018
Madeleine Weiss, 12

Madeleine Weiss, 12

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
September 27, 2018
Fall survival guide

Fall survival guide

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
September 24, 2018
Businesses switch straws

Businesses switch straws

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
September 4, 2018
KEEP PLAYING. There is a constant debate over what is the best streaming service. Netflix is popular, but Hulu and Amazon Prime are experiencing success as well. Naturally, new and different releases are bound to increase Netflix's popularity.

Netflix releases new titles

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
August 28, 2018
Netflix popularity continues

Netflix popularity continues

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
August 27, 2018
SIGN HERE. Last year, the spring show was “Into the Woods.” During one of the performances, the musical was shortened and ridded of any subject matter that is not kid friendly. It was deemed a “kids night” and after the show, the children could take pictures and get autographs from the characters.

Aves Theatre announces season

Sydney Weiss, Web Editor
August 20, 2018
DEMOLISH. The upper level science wing is being completely remodeled over the summer. The classrooms are being updated for the first time in decades. With new technology and updated space for labs, the science department is looking forward to teaching in the updated classes in the fall.

Science wing demolition begins

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 24, 2018
KEEP RUNNING. Senior Jonathon Malek competes in the 4x200 relay. Last year, Malek won state with senior Asa Hodrick. They won the 4x200 relay, so they were determined to qualify again this year.

Track relays continue to compete

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 24, 2018
Adam Levine, 11

Adam Levine, 11

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 17, 2018
READ THE LEAF. This year, The Leaf has covered feminism, the Day of Silence, a year in review, and much more. As this year closes and another school year rolls around, there are ten more cover stories to be written. Naturally, The Leaf staff would love to hear what topics the students of SHS are most interested in.

The Leaf takes requests

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 10, 2018
Seniors graduate

Seniors graduate

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 8, 2018
VOTING AGE UP FOR DEBATE. Some SHS students are able to vote their senior year. These students are able to register to vote. Registration is taking place during lunch on May 7 and 8.

U.S debates voting age

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 7, 2018
BIG DAY. Each year in the spring, seniors have an assigned day to wear their college spirit wear. They also sign their names under their school on signs that will hang up in the building. It is an exciting day for seniors to celebrate their accomplishments.

Seniors reveal college gear

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 4, 2018
How popular are your prom opinions?

How popular are your prom opinions?

Do you have popular prom opinions? Take the quiz to find out!
Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
April 26, 2018
ESTIMATE. Perhaps more difficult than getting it to launch 20 feet, getting the bean bag to actually go into the hole is a daunting task. Students created flingers, catapults, and slingshots, but accuracy was not guaranteed with any of these methods. A durable model and consistent shooting method is crucial to ensure the success of a corn hole launcher.

Physicists launch bean bags

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
April 19, 2018
CELEBRATE. Durbin is responsible for the largest social gathering to occur in Santa Cruz. When he returned from American Idol, a crowd of 30,000 people gathered. Called Durbin Day, this day is still the largest public gathering to occur in Durban’s hometown.

James Durbin

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
April 13, 2018
What should you do this summer?

What should you do this summer?

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
March 31, 2018

‘Be the change’

Youth pursue active mindsets
Harsimran Makkad and Sydney Weiss
March 25, 2018
PREPARE. The SHS walkout and L.A.S.T. both took immense planning and preparation. L.A.S.T. was coordinated among more than one high school in the area. “Everyone involved in some way is willing to talk about the cause,” said Madeleine Weiss, 11.

Q&A with walkout supporter Madeleine Weiss

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
March 14, 2018
STAR. Jurado was born in Mexico. She was discovered at the early age of 16. In addition to acting, she was also a movie columnist and reporter.

Katy Jurado

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
March 14, 2018

Childhood gender roles

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
March 13, 2018

Feminism for all: gender spectrum

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
March 13, 2018
SORT IT OUT. Members of SHS Ambassador’s Club organize the library at Operation Give Back (OGB). OGB is an organization that supplies tutoring, food, holiday gifts, and more to those in need. SHS Ambassadors volunteered to sort the food pantry and organize the library as well as learn about the organization.

Ambassadors give back

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
March 7, 2018
STUDY UP. There are a variety of places students go to study for AP exams. Some focus on classroom materials; others opt to purchase alternative materials. In some cases, exposure to an array of different materials is more effective.

AP exams creep closer

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
March 3, 2018
Maddy Weiss, 11

Maddy Weiss, 11

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
February 27, 2018
BETTER TOGETHER. Working with such a small cast encourages students to become closer. After a year of being in class together, students usually have had a chance to get to know each other, but if not, student-directed one acts provide an opportunity to bond with students before the year ends. Generally, this is an especially valuable experience for seniors who will be moving on after graduation.

Students direct one act plays

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
February 16, 2018

Reaching out, helping

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
February 14, 2018

How to reduce stress

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
February 14, 2018
TRAILBLAZER. Truth is regarded as a trailblazer for her early involvement with both abolitionist and women’s rights movements. Although she did not live to see many of the results of her efforts, she did impact the nation immensely. Truth helped contribute to the abolition of slavery, increased racial equality, and the ability of women to vote, while she only lived to see abolition.

Sojourner Truth

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
February 13, 2018
TECHNICOLOR. The musical will have lots of flashy, colorful elements. The show is known for having various types of music represented. The lighting and technical elements will be much bolder than those represented in other Aves Theatre productions.

Aves Theatre puts on dreamcoats

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
February 1, 2018
BABY. Fiona was born at 30 pounds. Since she was premature, she required bottle feeding initially. A lot has changed as Fiona is now over six hundred pounds (and no longer drinks from a bottle).

Fiona captivates nation

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
January 22, 2018
How to effectively defrost your car

How to effectively defrost your car

to make the most out of your morning
Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
December 14, 2017
DAFFODILS. Last year’s spring production was “Big Fish.” The cast was comparable in size to that of "Joseph." The big spectacle in the show was a curtain covered with hundreds of handmade daffodils.

Aves Theatre springs into action

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
December 12, 2017
BLANK SLATE. The key to a challenging Wikirace is coming up with creative places to start and finish. Specific brands, species, pop culture references, or historical events work well. “My favorite place to start is Fiona the hippo,” said Maddy Weiss, 11.

Aves bell bonds over competition

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
November 16, 2017
WELCOME. Vanags’ altar is directly outside her classroom. Her two AP Spanish classes worked together to create the altar. It is built on top of a table, a couple of desks, and some boxes that are all covered with a decorative table cloth.

Spanish classes celebrate Day of the Dead

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
November 6, 2017
DREAM. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” posters are placed throughout the school. They also may be spotted at local businesses. “Come see the show!” Cohen said.

Aves Theatre opens show

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
October 25, 2017

Would you rather: fall at SHS edition

How do SHS students like to spend their fall?
Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
October 14, 2017
REHEARSE. Rehearsal for both shows is currently going on. As with any production, it takes copious amounts of rehearsal to perform. Set construction, costume design, and other technical aspects of the show are currently going on as well.

Aves Theatre plays games

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
October 3, 2017
Which Netflix series should you binge-watch?

Which Netflix series should you binge-watch?

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
September 25, 2017
Aves Theatre Presents 2017-2018 Season

Aves Theatre Presents 2017-2018 Season

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
September 18, 2017
RALLY. Relay for Life is an event that takes place in the spring.  The event was created in the hopes of raising money for the American Cancer Society.  It is an overnight event that took place at SHS.

Relay for life rallies

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 22, 2017
Where have you bee(n)?

Where have you bee(n)?

Bee population declines
Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 3, 2017
FINISHED.  SHS sophomores celebrate the final chapter of sophomore debates.  On April 13, debate finalists competed.  The topic was letter-based grading, and it was between Sullivan 3 and Sullivan 4. All photos courtesy of McDaniel's Photography.

Sophomores wrap up debates

Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
April 20, 2017
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Sydney Weiss