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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Nathan Zhang

Nathan Zhang , Opinion Chief

Hello, my name is Nathan Zhang, I am a sophomore, and this is my 2nd year on staff. After a wonderful experience last year writing for the Leaf, I am now the Leaf opinion chief. I love to write and will definitely compose many pieces this year for the Leaf. In addition to writing, I love playing tennis, and it is one of my passions. Last year, I played for the SHS boys’ varsity gold team, and we won state! This year, we hope to win state once again for the third year in a row.

All content by Nathan Zhang
The familiar old design of the SHS district website has been replaced for the first time in years; the new website, however, caused much confusion and controversy amongst students. Pathak said, “I like the new look of the website, since the old design was getting old. It was just really confusing because there are two sign in tabs instead of just one.”

New website causes confusion

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
February 29, 2016
Every year, Spanish IV classes research the numerous regions in Spain and present a project about the interesting cultures and facts about their region. In addition to presenting their project, each student is required to make a dish originating from the region that they researched. Sophomore Matthew Isakson said, “For my project I created a Spanish dish called Pisto Manchego from my region, Castilla La Mancha.”

Spanish classes investigate Spain

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
February 18, 2016
Each day, in an attempt to make students read more, SHS has implemented an ACE bell, where students are required to read for 30 minutes a day. Many students created a petition in opposition to this bell. Sophomore Rishav Dasgupta said, “Although I agree that reading is extremely important and is something the young generations needs to do a lot more of, the overwhelming consensus of the student body is that 30 minutes a day would be much more valuable if kids could use it to work on projects, meet with teachers, or simply get ahead with their schoolwork.”

ACE bell makes alterations

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
February 12, 2016
Senior Melissa Goodman shakes her opponent’’s hand prior to their match. Each match, the captains of each team call out the student playing each position on the team before the players begin their match. Goodman played first doubles during the season.

Swinging for sucess

Nathan Zhang, Opinion Chief
January 26, 2016
AP Biology and AP Stats classes met Thurs., Jan. 7 to talk about a group project. This project will require the students to utilize skills acquired from first semester. Sotropa said, “The assignment goes on throughout all of second semester, and not only is it one of the biggest grades, but it is the longest assignment.”

Classes converse closely

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
January 21, 2016
Menacing blizzard encroaches

Menacing blizzard encroaches

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
January 21, 2016
Over the years, sleep deprivation has become a major problem amongst students. Not only are students being bombarded by homework assignments, but many have extracurricular activites as well. Isakson said, “Some days I get home as late as 9 p.m. and get to bed at around 12 a.m.”

Students scarcely sleep

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
January 15, 2016
This year, for the first time in decades, SHS has moved semester exams prior to winter break. Although the week of exams has changed, the schedule has remained relatively the same as previous years. Tuesday will be first bell exams, Wednesday will be second and third bell exams, Thursday will be fourth bell and fifth bell exams, and Friday will be sixth and seventh bell exams.

Exams encroach earlier than usual

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
December 14, 2015
Shots fired

Shots fired

Mass shootings occur daily
Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
December 4, 2015
Now that PARCC testing is non-existent in Ohio, the Ohio government has decided to pay the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to administer tests. On Mon., Nov. 16, SHS students took a practice run for AIR testing. Sophomore Atit Pathak said, “I had to take a practice AIR test in English first bell. It wasn’t too bad, definitely better than the old PARCC tests.”

Students take practice AIR

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
November 23, 2015
SHS tennis athletes get up in the morning before school in order to attend conditioning at 6 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the off season. Led by the captains from each team, the students complete a wide array of activities includes jump rope, numerous drills, sprints, push-ups, and stretching. These morning conditionings are supervised by Coach Michael Teets.

Students condition before school

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
November 18, 2015
Airing it out

Airing it out

Nathan Zhang, Op/Ed Chief
November 16, 2015
Athletes and participants in fall activites line up with the drum line prior to marching around the school. This march, known as the “Walk of Champions” will be held each season to honor the athletes and the awards they recieved. Junior Noah Stern said, “It’s very important to honor the athletes from SHS for their hard work and numerous accolades.”

Athletes march through hallways

Nathan Zhang, Opinion Chief
October 29, 2015
Freshman Helen Sotropa is hitting a ball back during warm ups before senior night for girls Gold Varsity tennis on Friday Sept.  25. They played Chaminade-Julienne and won 5-0. The girls went on to state on Sunday Oct. 18 and became state runner ups.

Sycamore swings through state

Nathan Zhang, Opinion Chief
October 24, 2015
After defeating Ursuline Academy, 3-2, SHS moves on to the State Final Four, which will be held at Reynoldsburg High School. There, they will face Toledo Mt. Notre Dame, a team ranked nine in the state currently. The teams will clash on Sun., Oct. 18.

Swinging for state

Nathan Zhang, Opinion Chief
October 13, 2015
The SHS girls gold tennis team defeats Mason High school 3-2 on Wed., Sept. 30. This was a huge win as Mason was ranked number two in the state going into the season. The tennis team will face Ursuline Academy in the Elite Eight of the OHSAA state tennis tournament.

Sycamore swings through state

Nathan Zhang, Opinion Chief
October 12, 2015
Donuts have become a staple in America this past decade. One shop that recently opened and is dedicated to serving donuts near Xavier University is called Top This Donut Bar. Top This offers myriad types of donuts, glazing, and toppings.

Top this!

Donut bar built in town
Nathan Zhang, Opinion Chief
September 23, 2015
Seniors Lisa Ruffin, Victoria Swart, Maddie Locke, Ben Thiss, Ryan Wahler, Nakul Narendran, and Deepak Indrakanti sign with their college to play sports. The event took place during seventh bell on Wednesday, May 27. Coaches and players spoke during the ceremony, and the crowd consisted of teammates, friends, and family.

Athletes sign with colleges

Nathan Zhang, opinion chief
May 28, 2015
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Nathan Zhang