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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Hannah Frey

Hannah Frey , Leaflet Editor in Chief

My name is Hannah Frey and this is my fourth year being a part of the Leaf staff. I joined the Leaf because I wanted to expand my involvement in the SHS community and I wanted to learn more about graphic design. I am passionate about social equality and the social injustices that occur in our affluent society. Being in this class has helped me to see that I want to work for a nonprofit organization and help solve these problems. I am currently the editor and chief of the Leaflet, which is our online, design-based magazine. Every issue, I pick a new topic to be covered. Using design to cover these issues attracts another audience for the Leaf and makes it entertaining to have an in-depth look about a topic. Journalism has helped shape the person I am today, and it will help me excel in my desired field of work.

All content by Hannah Frey
Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry

The Loss of a Legend
Hannah Frey, Leaflet Editor-in-Chief
April 4, 2017
Softball season coming home

Softball season coming home

Hannah Frey, Leaflet Editor
May 5, 2016
Softball season in the seventh inning

Softball season in the seventh inning

Hannah Frey, Leaflet Editor in Chief
April 28, 2016
Sophomore, Jessica Fehr is an extremely important part of the SHS varsity softball team. Fehr is a power hitter and is a acetate to them in the field.

Q & A with Jessica Fehr

Hannah Frey, Leaflet Editor-in-Chief
April 21, 2016
Softball season in third

Softball season in third

Hannah Frey, Leaflet Editor
April 19, 2016
Junior Hannah Young has been on the varisty softball team since her freshman year. Over the years she had played in a variority of positions making her a valuable  part of the team.

Q & A with Hannah Young

Hannah Frey, Infographics Chief
April 11, 2016
Elizabeth Izworski  is a power hitter for the varsity softball team. Last season the team reliedon her to get on base in clutch situations. In the upcoming  season she is expected to be a leading on the field.

Q & A with Elizabeth Izworski

Hannah Frey, Infographics Chief
March 29, 2016
KRT LIFESTYLE STORY SLUGGED: NEWVOICES-GLORIASTEINEM KRT FILE PHOTO BY ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH (April 4) Gloria Steinem is shown in 1970 when she was a writer for New York magazine. (gsb) 2003 EDS NOTE: B&W ONLY

Gloria Steinem

Hannah Frey, Leaflet Designer/ Writer
March 16, 2016

Top ten feminist books

Hannah Frey, Leaflet Designer/ Writer
March 11, 2016
Softball tryouts start up season

Softball tryouts start up season

Hannah Frey, Infographics Chief
February 25, 2016
Softball season starting off with a swing

Softball season starting off with a swing

Hannah Frey, Infographics Chief
February 25, 2016


Hannah Frey, Inofographics Chief
February 5, 2016
Glenn Fry

Glenn Fry

Hannah Frey, Infographics Chief
January 20, 2016
The death of David Bowie

The death of David Bowie

Hannah Frey, Infographics Chief
January 17, 2016


Hannah Frey, Infographic Chief
December 17, 2015
Minimalistic Alice in Wonderland

Minimalistic Alice in Wonderland

Hannah Frey, leaflet designer
December 4, 2015
Minimalistic Psycho

Minimalistic Psycho

Hannah Frey, leaflet designer
December 3, 2015
The Godfather

The Godfather

Hannah Frey, Leaflet Designer
October 30, 2015
American Horror Story

American Horror Story

Hannah Frey, Leaflet Designer
October 27, 2015
Dr. Marten shoes coming back into style

Dr. Marten shoes coming back into style

Hannah Frey, Leaflet Designer
October 15, 2015

Veterans Day: Memorial

Hannah Frey, leaflet designer
October 12, 2015

Veterans day: Uniform evolution

Hannah Frey, leaflet designer
October 12, 2015

Myths Busted

Hannah Frey, leaflet designer
October 12, 2015

Scary story

Hannah Frey, leaflet designer
October 12, 2015

Is coffee bad for you?

Hannah Frey, leaflet designer
October 2, 2015
Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography


Hannah Frey
May 11, 2015
Coach Sarah Melvin has been doing everything in her power to help the players get a win. This includes hitting before the games and switching up the lineup. Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.

Striking out for the loss

Hannah Frey, Feature Co-Editor
April 22, 2015
Minor injuries and sickness have kept a couple players from being able to play. Senior Alexandra Batsch was sick on March 24, making her miss the MND game. This meant that sophomore Hannah Frey caught Lydia Sloan the entire game. In normal circumstances the catchers would switch off half way through the scrimmage.  Photo by McDaniel’s Photography.

Rounding third on scrimmages

Hannah Frey, Features Editor
April 4, 2015
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Hannah Frey