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  • April 5 - Relay for Life @ 3 pm
  • April 8 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - April 18 - Spring Holiday Day
  • April 23 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • April 24 - 26 - Theatre Spring Show @ 7 pm
  • April 29 - Underclassman Award Ceremony @ 8 am
  • April 30 - Orchestra Concert @ 7 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Yasmine Guedira

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief

My name is Yasmine Guedira and I have been serving as the News Editor of our news magazine. I love having a first hand view of all the events at Sycamore. From the corners of the music department to the accomplishments of the athletics I love finding these stories and showcasing the accomplishments of all our students.
We start off with blank pages and after a bright idea and some illustrations we have compiled an issue full of inspiring ideas.
Outside of journalism I am involved in other activities in the community. After winning the sophomore debate tournament my team decided to start up the debate team at Sycamore! We will be representing Sycamore for the first time in the Ohio Speech and Debate Association.
Also, I am a student representative for Sycamore Advisory Commission which is an organization comprised of the school board, the PTO, and community members that helps to communicate the goals of the district.
I have been involved in the French Club for all four years of high school and I will be helping out in French classes with the Alliance Francaise.
I am looking forward to one more year of fun and excitement with my class.
Go Aves!

All content by Yasmine Guedira
Snow day opinions

Snow day opinions

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
January 16, 2018
CODE. Every day in AP Computer Science Principles students are learning the techniques of coding and working on College Board assignments. With a variety of class options and after school activities, there are many opportunities for students of all abilities to join. “I enjoy this class because I am learning the skills that will be key to my job in the future,” said Alex Newberg, 12.

Coders explore AP assignments

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
December 11, 2017
SOUND IT OUT. Stage manager Sara Cohen, 12, directs all actions backstage by coordinating set changes on the ground, and through the fly system. “Although some people may think actors just act on stage, they also help out behind the scenes during tech. During set construction, we all work together to create the setting of the show," said Julie Whapham, 12.

Leaders behind curtains

Technical theater brings shows to life, says Sara Cohen, 12
Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
October 21, 2017
TURN IT UP. Each show has a dedicated crew that works hours to perfect the performance on stage. Senior Nitin Pauletti works behind the scenes to coordinate music, microphones, and the orchestra.“You are in charge of your own part, and if you didn't do it correctly, a lot of things could go wrong. I really like that aspect of importance,” Pauletti said.

Sounding it out

Aves theater sound crew illuminates the stage
Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
October 17, 2017
CREATIVITY. French club participates in seasonal activities throughout the year. Students made masks for Mardi Gras, collected donations after the hurricane in Haiti, and made gingerbread houses in December. This year, the club hopes to continue it’s engaging activities.

French Club kicks off new year

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
September 12, 2017
Freshman's guide to homecoming

Freshman’s guide to homecoming

Get ready to rally your school spirit for the homecoming parade, football game, and dance!
Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
September 12, 2017
ACHIEVEMENT. After months of tedious preparation, junior Stephanie Hong received a perfect score on the April ACT. “It’s great to see your hard work finally pay off. This accomplishment is going to save me from a lot of stress next year,” Hong said.

ACT now

SHS junior gets perfect score on ACT
Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
May 19, 2017
Fun Locations Around Cincinnati

Fun Locations Around Cincinnati

With summer coming up and the sun coming out, Cincinnati's landmarks are a great place to visit with friends and family for a fun time.
Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
May 11, 2017
Celebrate Earth Day!

Celebrate Earth Day!

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
April 18, 2017
Benazir Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan, was assassinated last week in a suicide bombing.

Benazir Bhutto

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
March 15, 2017
PROTEST. Around the country protests sprung up in major cities in response to the executive order. The uncetain langugae of the ban upset and confused many. Those who were on visas or green cards were also unlawfully detained.

Refuge for refugees

Cincinnati stands by immigrants by declaring ‘sanctuary city’ resolution
Adhiti Chundur and Yasmine Guedira
March 11, 2017

FAMILY. Immigrants from all over the world move to the United States for the abundant freedom and opportunities. In the wake of the changing political climate, it is important to value the contributions of immigrants. Senior Baghbanian reflects on her life living with two distinct cultures. 
Photo courtesy of Atena Baghbanian

Finding new world

Q&A with Atena Baghbanian
Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
March 1, 2017
SCIENCE. Marie M. Daly is the first African-American female to obtain a Ph.D. in chemistry at an American university. Her passion for science and education traveled with her through three universities and many financial struggles until she landed her groundbreaking Ph.D. Along with her studies that contributed to understanding the human circulatory system, she worked for equality in education.

Marie M. Daly

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
February 27, 2017
CREATE. Inspired by the recent turmoil that has shocked the United States a group of young activists decides to take action. A big poster is hanging up in the commons that brings home the message of love to ourselves and others.

Equality Wall

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
December 8, 2016
Stephanie are her friends dive into the pool daily for practice. After eight years of dedication to the sport Stephanie has been able to work two jobs and make new friends. “I am so lucky to have such amazing opportunities in my life,” Hong said.
Photo courtesy of Stephanie Hong.

Stephanie swims to victory

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
November 7, 2016
French Club plays petanque on the softball field. Petanque is basically bocce ball, and is very popular in France. Teams compete in rounds until a champion is found. Photo courtesy of Jenna Bao.

Petanque fun for French Club

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
October 26, 2016
Lead by the drum line, the winning team marches through the school. After walking around the IMC, the procession ends at the front office. Students cheer on the team by lining the hallways.

Choirs walk on to state

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
April 29, 2016
Phillipa Soo plays Eliza Hamilton and Lin-Manuel Miranda plays Alexander Hamilton in "Hamilton." Hamliton won the Grammy for Best New Musical Album. The new musical reached insane popularity and is sold out for the next few months.

Hamilton turns tide

Yasmine Guedira, News Chief
April 22, 2016
Stephanie Hong traveled to South Korea last year over winter break. While visiting family and touring the country, she discovered the difference between life in America and Korea. Here she stands in a big city in Korea near to the DMZ.

Q&A with Stephanie Hong

Traveling to South Korea
Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
April 11, 2016
Last year, the choirs also performed at the fine arts concert and the OMEA concert. Each year, the choirs strive to improve their performance and perfect their skill. The concert is a good way for the choirs to prepare for the competition.

Choirs celebrate success

Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
March 18, 2016
Misty Copeland attends "An Evening with Misty Copeland" at Smyth, a Thompson Hotel, on June 24, 2015, in New York.

Misty Copeland

Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
February 25, 2016
Pop culture has a history of cultural appropriation, and this issue is just growing. Coldplay’s new video sparked controversy for this very reason. The media casts and inaccurate versions of countries and culture, and people tend to believe it.

Cultural appropriation or appreciation?

Coldplay’s new video triggers controversy
Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
February 18, 2016
Every year, SEE 1 complements their electric performance with a professional light show a guest musical professional. This year, SEE1 invites Joe Deninzon, the lead singer of the band Stratospheerius. This year's annual concert will be held on Feb. 19, 2016.

Come SEE1 great concert

Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
February 3, 2016
As the competitiveness of education increases, emphasis on grades and test scores rather than learning demeans the value of real knowledge. Researchers are noting the importance of skills that are rarely considered important as part of traditional grading systems. New efforts are being put in place to promote critical thinking and problem solving that are a significantly lacking in modern day students.


Rethinking the traditional grading system
Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
February 1, 2016
Where does ISIS get its money?

Where does ISIS get its money?

Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
January 15, 2016
Winter Safety Tips

Winter Safety Tips

Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
December 18, 2015
Students assembled in the IMC to watch Mott’s one hour presentation. As well as talking about his own experiences around the world, Mott shared with the students how they could become citizens of the world. He challenged the students to communicate with each other and share cultures.

[Photo] Global citizens unite

Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
November 15, 2015
How to survive exam week

How to survive exam week

Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
December 8, 2015
Halloween 2015

Halloween 2015

Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
October 28, 2015
These are just a few of the thousands who have risen in protest to Palmer’s escape from trouble. The decision has been made, but it is clear that people are pushing for change in the way animal hunting is judged. Palmer was forced to temporarily close down his dental practice.

American outrage

Killer of Cecil the Lion not charged
Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
October 27, 2015
Current SAT vs. Redesigned SAT

Current SAT vs. Redesigned SAT

Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
October 12, 2015
The new IMC, complete with new couchs and work areas was just recentaly opened. There are closed in areas for whole classrooms to come and work. It will soon be avaliable for student use.


Is it worth the money?
Yasmine Guedira, Staff Writer
October 1, 2015
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Yasmine Guedira