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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Caroline Gao

Caroline Gao , Executive Editor-in-Chief

Hi! My name is Caroline Gao and I’m a senior here at Sycamore High School. This is my fourth year on staff. As a part of The Leaf, our national award-winning, student-run publication, I hold the position of Executive Editor-in-Chief. My duties include overseeing the production of all four of our platforms: print newsmagazine, online magazine, website, and broadcast department. I enjoy exploring multiple genres and thus have written a multitude of articles including feature, opinion, news, and sports.


I also take great pride in designing pages [Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator] and editing/shooting videos [Windows Movie Maker and Adobe Premiere]. I can’t wait for another amazing year with my fellow journalists!


More about myself:


I find volunteering to be extremely rewarding: I play piano as a volunteer musical therapist at Bethesda North Hospital and am the Treasurer for Sycamore’s National Honor Society, the largest organization at the high school. I am also a mentor for my school’s Fast Track tutoring program!


In addition to volunteering, I also captain Sycamore’s Varsity A tennis team, and in the offseason, play at a local club and in USTA tournaments. This past season, our team placed as State Runners-up in the OHSAA State Team Tournament! I also really enjoy music- especially the piano.


Quote to live by: “No one ever achieved greatness by playing it safe” – Harry Gray.


All content by Caroline Gao
While groups of voters can impact elections, it is a concern that a majority will have little to no influence on how this country is governed. Even when a fairly large majority of Americans favor a policy change, they generally do not get it.

To vote or not to vote

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
May 4, 2016
A big match that players often times go to cheer on is the match against Mason City Schools. In both the boys and girls seasons, a large crowd usually forms. A large crowd provides for even more school pride and spirit.

Varsity tennis cheers teammates

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
March 14, 2016
Community colleges reduce costs

Community colleges reduce costs

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
March 3, 2016
The M.I.T. research team also found that speech and music circuits are in different parts of the brain’s auditory cortex, where sound signals are interpreted. Each circuit is deaf to the other’s sonic cues. But, there is some overlap concerning songs with lyrics.

Musicality moves

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
February 24, 2016
The thinking in the medical field is that attentional capacity and skills occur on a continuum. Pediatrics is evolving toward the idea of supporting attentional functioning in everyone.

Discouraging diagnoses

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
February 4, 2016
Research has also shown that heavy multi-screeners find it very difficult to filter out irrelevant stimuli. They are easily distracted by multiple streams of media. This trend is growing in society.

Attention spans shorten significantly

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
February 4, 2016
Another tradition for Chinese New Year is for adults to give children “hong bao,” little red envelopes of money. The dragon is also a part of many Chinese traditions. Everything is red for good luck.

Chinese New Year sparks excitement

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
January 21, 2016
The program intended to reform school lunches for children across the nation. The quality of meals provided to students of the nation has increased, and kids have become healthier since its implementation.

Healthy lunches mean healthy students

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
January 19, 2016
Despite their financial burdens, Millennials are still the nation’s most stubborn economic optimists. More than eight in ten millennials say they either currently have enough money to lead the lives they want, 32 percent, or expect to in the future, 53 percent.  Some of the Millennials’ optimism may simply reflect the timeless confidence of youth.

Millennials make changes

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-chief
December 17, 2015
Rising temperatures will increase the rate and which glaciers and ice caps melt and cause early ice thaw on rivers and lakes. Sea ice will increasingly retreat. According to scientists at the U.S. Center for Atmospheric Research, the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer of 2040.

Climate change changes perspectives

Caroline Gao, Print Editor-in-Chief
December 11, 2015
Five students serve as officers for the club. They hold the positions of president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and communications officer. They run multiple volunteer opportunities and organize events.

National Honor Society promotes recognition

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
November 24, 2015
While technology has led to some effective learning methods, it can also prove as a distraction. Students should utilize technology to limit screen time and increase productivity.

Technology comes with consequences

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
November 11, 2015

Varsity tennis continues conditioning

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
November 1, 2015
Along with finishing second at state with her team, senior Alexandra Abele also finished second at state in the individual tournament. Abele placed third the previous year.

Varsity Gold Tennis secures state runners-up

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
October 21, 2015

Quality sleep impacts performance

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
October 7, 2015

Varsity tennis sustains success

Caroline Gao, Executive Editor-in-Chief
October 5, 2015
Even though the fight or flight response is automatic, it is not always accurate. When the fight or flight response is triggered, it is usually a false alarm. The part of the brain that initiates the automatic part of the fight or flight response, the amygdala, cannot distinguish between a real threat and a perceived threat.

Fighting flight or fight responses

Caroline Gao, Business Manager
September 30, 2015
The growing vegetarian trend can be beneficial. Several studies show that a vegetarian diet increases the body’s metabolism, causing the body to burn calories up to 16 percent faster than the body would on a meat-based diet. Our bodies are also designed to be herbivores. Photo courtesy of MCT Photo Service.

Vegetarian numbers rapidly rising

Caroline Gao, Business Manager
April 29, 2015
Students of SHS listen to different types of music during school. Several teachers allow music players during downtime or silent work periods of their class. The various types of music they listen to may affect their moods.

Music makes mood changes

Caroline Gao, Business Manager
April 22, 2015
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Caroline Gao