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  • April 5 - Relay for Life @ 3 pm
  • April 8 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - April 18 - Spring Holiday Day
  • April 23 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • April 24 - 26 - Theatre Spring Show @ 7 pm
  • April 29 - Underclassman Award Ceremony @ 8 am
  • April 30 - Orchestra Concert @ 7 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Rujula Kapoor

Rujula Kapoor , Infographic Chief

This my third year in journalism and I’m currently infographic editor. Journalism gives me  the opportunity to be creative and learn about graphic design. My goal for this year is to become and better writer and designer overall. Outside of journalism I have played the violin for 6 years  and am a member of the french club. Computer programming is another one of my passions and is something I would like to do in the future. During my free time I enjoy watching Dance Moms and decorating cupcakes. I am hoping for another great  year in journalism and can’t wait to see what the future holds.


All content by Rujula Kapoor
Allergy sufferers are often seen sniffling and sneezing during the spring. They constantly need to blow their noses. One tip is to get tissues that have lotion in them so your lips do not chap.

Allergies take over Cincinnati

Rujula Kapoor, Leaflet Designer/Writer
May 2, 2016
European History is many students’ very first AP exam. Shruti is seen studying using the Princeton review book. Over four years, the cost of review books can become a  really hefty cost.

AP exams take toll on students

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
April 13, 2016
Grace Murray Hopper is the first female
computer programmer.  Computer
 science  now is one of the most male
 dominated feilds. She serves as a inspiration to the many women who work with 

Grace Murray Hopper

Rujula Kapoor, Infographic Chief
March 29, 2016
This is the sixth French Club meeting and one of the last. The winning masks will be displayed outside the French room. This is room 115.

French Club deccorates masks for Mardi Gras

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
February 11, 2016
Ways to stay alert in class

Ways to stay alert in class

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
February 5, 2016
Frigid temperatures can also affect your car's performance. It is a good idea to keep your car indoors if possible. Another idea is to carpool on snowy days.

Winter weather takies toll on teen drivers

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
January 26, 2016
Incarceration rates skyrocket

Incarceration rates skyrocket

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
January 13, 2016
Top hills for sledding in Cincinnati

Top hills for sledding in Cincinnati

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
December 9, 2015
E.coli spreading throughout the country

E.coli spreading throughout the country

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
December 8, 2015
Thanksgiving by the number

Thanksgiving by the number

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
November 24, 2015
Hummingbird facts

Hummingbird facts

In honor of National Hummingbird Day
Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
November 4, 2015
Most popular Thanksgiving pies

Most popular Thanksgiving pies

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
October 27, 2015
Top most nutritious leafy greens

Top most nutritious leafy greens

Nutritionists say these three vegetables have lasting health benefits
Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
October 21, 2015
Ohio fast facts

Ohio fast facts

Here are 10 interesting facts about Ohio
Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
October 12, 2015
Gas prices plunge in Cincinnati

Gas prices plunge in Cincinnati

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
October 12, 2015
The income gap is even larger in other countries. The United States has the  4th largest gap while Chile has the largest. Iceland has the most equal income distribution.
Image b MCT Photo

Wage gap remains wide

Rujula Kapoor, Infographics Chief
April 28, 2015
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Rujula Kapoor