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  • April 5 - Relay for Life @ 3 pm
  • April 8 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - April 18 - Spring Holiday Day
  • April 23 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • April 24 - 26 - Theatre Spring Show @ 7 pm
  • April 29 - Underclassman Award Ceremony @ 8 am
  • April 30 - Orchestra Concert @ 7 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Hannah Lee

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor

Hi, welcome to my bio! My name is Hannah Lee and I will be serving as Copy Editor and part of the Business Staff. I am a senior and this is my third and final year in the journalism staff. I am excited to see what this year will bring for The Leaf! As part of the Business Staff, I handle all the demands and sales for the Leaf news magazine, organize local advertisements on the Leaf pages for funds, and more. (Another thing I get to do that I love is design and coordinate Journalism t-shirts this year!) As Copy Editor, I edit weekly beats and issue stories of fellow writers, so that all writings for the Leaf magazine and website are written according to par. I am also part of Unified for Uganda (U4U) as a Sponsorship Coordinator, which is important in connecting Ugandan children who are in need with locals who want to help them. U4U at SHS is the second largest chapter and hold large responsibilities to help destitute children in Uganda have the basic necessities, including education. In addition, I am Secretary of Chinese Club. I took Mandarin Chinese from level one in seventh grade to AP Chinese last year and gotten to love the language and the memories I’ve made in that familial class. Also, music has always been a large part of my life since I was little. I played piano since I was young, taking lessons and having recitals. Since fifth grade I took up the clarinet in the school band. Now I am principal clarinetist in the school concert band, and take part in my church orchestra, and local honor bands. This year I am in the top Cincinnati Youth Wind Ensemble (the top group was made this year, prior it was just one ensemble). I am also bilingual in English and Korean. I use my bilingual skills to translate sermons from Korean to English for members at my church. Some of my favorite small moments in life are car rides with the radio on, being wrapped up in thick blankets on cold days, movie/TV nights with the family, good fortune, perfect weather, laughing with someone over something stupid that we both found funny, free food, and evening walks. Something I try to remind myself to do is living more in the ‘now’ and staying positive. Thanks for learning more about me. Now learn more about SHS and the world by clicking on the articles to the right!


All content by Hannah Lee
SPRING INTO FINAL BAND CONCERT. Sycamore Winds (2nd bell) plays their last concert of the year. Sycamore Winds played four pieces this year including the annual tradition of a concerto. The concerto winner this year was french horn player junior Daniel Halstead. The last piece was SHS’ Alma Mater joined by all other seniors from Symphonic Band and Wind Symphony.

SHS plays concert

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
May 8, 2019
HARD AT WORK. Sanford Reese works at Donatos Pizzeria in Blue Ash after graduating from the SHS Transition Internship Program in 2018. He is a proud graduate who is admired for his hard work and self-sufficiency. Sanford has many hobbies including basketball and drawing.

Hard working role model

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
April 24, 2019
Noah Kaufman, 12

Noah Kaufman, 12

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
April 17, 2019
Relay for Life

Relay for Life

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
April 9, 2019
Come see Mr. Sycamore

Come see Mr. Sycamore

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
April 3, 2019
Ian Suddarth, 12

Ian Suddarth, 12

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
March 14, 2019
PRECISE. The Chemistry Club had a fun meeting making soap from scratch with chemistry. Members were given a sheet of paper with instructions to follow to make the the soap mixture. Elements’ masses were measured out to precise measurements of grams on a scale to ensure the perfect concoction.

Chem club makes soap

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
March 14, 2019
WHAT TO DO. If you are bored with nothing to do, one of the things you can do is to try a new restaurant. Extend your list of favorite places to go out and eat a new type of food. “I have always wanted to try Korean food,” said Adam Kossen, 12.

Bored? Try this

Productive things to do when bored
Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
February 14, 2019
Heather Song, 11

Heather Song, 11

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
December 20, 2018
INDUCTED. New members were inducted into the National Honor Society (NHS) on Wed., Nov. 14. NHS is a merit that colleges view favorably in college applications. Service hours are a requirement for joining NHS. “I volunteered at my church orchestra and at nurseries,” said Soeun Cho, 12.

NHS new members join the club

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
November 22, 2018
CRAFTY KITES. Chinese Club members craft beautiful kites to fly at a competition at Miami University in their last meeting. The theme was Confucius and there were many Chinese culture activities in addition. “Chinese culture is vastly different from western culture...there’s a little something for everyone,” said Samuel Risma, 12.

Chinese Club flies kites at Miami

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
October 2, 2018
MAKE IT RAIN. Unified for Uganda (U4U) club members scrub down cars to raise money for mentoring funds. They made it rain water washing cars and made it rain money raising funds. The car wash raised 371 dollars. “Thank you to everyone who came to support the [car wash] organization!” said U4U, on Instagram.

U4U makes it rain

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
September 26, 2018
Eshika Kohli, 12

Eshika Kohli, 12

Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
September 14, 2018
Smooth tips make school less bumpy

Smooth tips make school less bumpy

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
August 24, 2018
PLAY. The graduation band plays music as people file in to sit down in the stands and as the seniors walk in and out of the Cintas Center. The band plays the same pieces every year but small alterations may be made. Each year the band also sends off seniors and cheers for them along with the crowd.

Band plays at graduation

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
May 18, 2018
So Eun Cho, 11

So Eun Cho, 11

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
May 8, 2018
TRANSITION. Former U4U officers seniors Julia McDowell and Jeremy Pletz are at a fundraising booth for sponsoring a Ugandan children. Officers were replaced through submissions and were announced. Next year has high expectations awaiting U4U.

U4U elects new officers

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
May 5, 2018
MIGHTY PEN. Fascinated junior Youngbin Lee reads poems from the March Madness Poetry book. Each student gets his or her own copy of the compilation of the 64 poems that made the book. The winning poem’s writer was Nehalem Chudnoff, 11.

Let poetry madness begin

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
April 6, 2018
TWINKLE, TWINKLE. Cannon also received the Henry Draper Medal of the National Academy of Sciences, and was the first women to receive the honorary doctorate from Oxford University and went on to become an officer in the American Astronomical Society. She established the Annie Jump Cannon Award for women studying astronomy. After joining the Harvard Faculty she was given the William Cranch Bond Professor of Astronomy award.

Annie Jump Cannon

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
March 28, 2018
Samuel Risma, 11

Samuel Risma, 11

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
March 23, 2018
Diversity Week celebrates religion

Diversity Week celebrates religion

Hannah Lee, Opinion Editor
March 21, 2018
CELEBRATING CULTURE. Students in Chinese class perform with Chinese Club’s traditional dragon costume. The dragon dance is traditionally performed during the Lunar New Year, but the dragon is an important element of the culture in general. Language clubs are celebrated on the first day of the Diversity Week, March 19.

[Photo] U4U delivers Diversity Week

Jenna Bao, Executive Editor
March 19, 2018
Even before I knew about major shootings

Even before I knew about major shootings

Questioning purpose behind owning guns
Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
March 19, 2018
BAKE. Juniors (left to right) Adam Kossen, Alia Diushebaeva, and Eshika Kohli wait for their brownie to cool after pulling it out of the oven. At the last Colorful Eats meeting, vegan velvet brownies and strawberry cupcakes were made. Brownies were coated with a sprinkle of powdered sugar, and cupcakes were iced with vegan icing.

Colorful Eats cooks up exquisite sweets

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
February 27, 2018
Neha Sunil, 11

Neha Sunil, 11

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
February 20, 2018
Will you be my Valentine?

Will you be my Valentine?

How should you ask someone to be your Valentine?
Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
February 12, 2018
Morrison's work is known for its focus on the African American experience- specifically for women. Combined with her lyrical and powerful prose, Morrison weaves compelling tales centered around family, identity, and society. Throughout her career, Morrison has collected many accolades.

Toni Morrison

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
February 8, 2018
Senior Makayla Stover smiles for a picture with Ugandan children. Stover had the opportunity to go on a trip to Uganda. These children are part of the community of several Uganda children Unified for Uganda helps.

U4U searches for sponsors

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
January 30, 2018
TIME CRUNCH. The APUSH research paper due date is coming up. On Tues., Jan 16, all papers must be turned in with a minimum of eight pages, endnotes, bibliography, notecards, and the correct format. For most students, this is their first “college” paper.

APUSH paper deadline closes in

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
January 12, 2018
Animal hybrid breeding crosses line

Animal hybrid breeding crosses line

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
January 3, 2018
JOIN.  Sophomore Linya Guo designs and letters the club fliers herself then makes copies to hang up around school. Guo is president of the new Calligraphy Club at SHS. Dues for Calligraphy Club are $5 for the entire year; meetings are every Wednesday after school in room 148.

Can you even calligraphy?

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
December 13, 2017
What's your high school story?

What’s your high school story?

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
November 22, 2017
SOAR. Chidambaram’s special project was rebuilding the steps of the Symmes Park bridge. A special service project is a well-known, major requirement in the journey to become an Eagle Scout. Boy Scouts has been a top priority in his life, to the extent that he quit Winter Track and other activities to devote his time to this one.

Nishanth soars high, awarded Eagle Scout

Q&A with junior Nishanth Chidambaram
Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
October 30, 2017
Do you koalify as an animal expert?

Do you koalify as an animal expert?

Hannah Lee, Opinion Chief
October 2, 2017
PREPPING. Sophomore Allyson Bonhaus studies for the AP European History exam with a prep book. The month of May is the testing season where students study and prepare for AP, college preparatory, and final exams. Many students use prep books in addition to resources from their teachers to review for exams. Photo courtesy of Jenna Bao.

‘Tis the testing season’

Hannah Lee, Op-ed Chief
May 12, 2017
Musical makes it big

Musical makes it big

Hannah Lee, Feature Co-editor
May 12, 2017
How much do you know about Mr. Mader?

How much do you know about Mr. Mader?

Find out how well you know SHS principal by taking this quiz!
Hannah Lee, Feature Co-editor
April 28, 2017
TIME FLIES. Club members of the club Unified for Uganda at their first meeting of the school year. Already the last meeting took place. Additionally, new officers were elected for the next school year.

U4U transitions for next year

Hannah Lee, Feature Co-Editor
April 25, 2017
SURVIVOR’S LAP. Cancer Survivor’s take a celebratory lap around the track. The Survivor’s Lap is the first lap of the relay. After their lap, everyone else piles on to the track and the relay begins.

Relay for Life resolutes

Students achieve success
Hannah Lee, Feature Co-Editor
April 12, 2017
GREAT CAUSE. The community event to fight cancer, Relay for Life, will be held April 8-9. It is a fundraiser that is 12 hours long. Relay for Life began because of  Dr. Gordon Klatt’s run around a university track in support of the American Cancer Society.

No one rests during Relay for Life

Hannah Lee, Feature Co-Editor
April 7, 2017
HAIL MOTHER NATURE. This is one of the hails from the hailstorm this morning. Many students were hit by the hail but it didn’t cause any severe injuries. The storm lasted very shortly but was a very heavy downpour. “I was inside when [the storm] happened but it was really crazy,” said Grace Creek, 10.

Hailing storm causes hectic

Hannah Lee, Feature Chief
March 2, 2017
This is the official poster of the play, “Irena’s Vow.” The show takes place on Feb. 2-4 at 7:30 PM in the Aves Theatre. “Irena’s Vow” is the spring production of the Aves Theatre that is a true story of a girl who saves the lives of 12 Jews during the Holocaust.

“Irena’s Vow” incites excitement

Hannah Lee, Feature Co-editor
February 3, 2017
Students prepare for a college test that coming up. Many prep books are provided for students to be able to do their best. The tests are an important component in college applications so many students put in their efforts to do well.

Sophomores sample ACT

Hannah Lee, Staff Writer
January 23, 2017
PITCH PERFECT. Senior, Isabelle Augustin, plays her flute solo at the center of the field. Typically a mellophone player in marching band, Augustin switches to her concert band instrument for a extra special moment in the “Vortex.” The “Vortex” will be Augustin’s last show in the marching band as she is a graduating senior.

Band marches in tune

Hannah Lee, Feature Co-editor
January 10, 2017
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Hannah Lee