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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Natalie Brinkman

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief

Hello virtual friend!
My name is Natalie Brinkman and I have finally made it- senior year.
My current position on staff is Print-Editor-in-Chief, which basically means I help design, edit, and fix pages for our news magazine, The Leaf.
I have been a part of Sycamore High School’s journalism program for all four years of my high school career and have loved every minute of it. Journalism has taught me how to use programs such as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Premiere Pro.
Outside of journalism, I participate in marching band, specifically color guard, and I am a mentor for a program at Sycamore called Fast Track.
All three of these activities have taught me the skills and requirements of leadership and how to step into roles of responsibility.
Some of my other passions include reading, writing, and video-making, all of which I try to squeeze into my little free time. I am also a dance and karaoke addict, but only when I am alone and with reckless abandon- which I think is the only way to do either of those aforementioned activities.
One of my favorite TV shows is “How I Met Your Mother”, despite my love-hate relationship with the show’s finale. Ted Mosby is my favorite character, I can both relate to him spiritually and mentally.
In conclusion and with his wise words, “The great moments of your life won’t necessarily be the things you do, they’ll also be the things that happen to you. Now, I’m not saying you can’t take action to affect the outcome of your life, you have to take action, and you will. But never forget that on any day, you can step out the front door and your whole life can change forever.”
Every step of my high school career has brought me closer to who I am today and who I want to be.
This year, I aim to cover as many voices and paths of my fellow SHS students as possible, because each of us are simply taking small steps on the journey that is life.

All content by Natalie Brinkman
Bailey Truitt, 12

Bailey Truitt, 12

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
May 22, 2018
What are your summer plans?

What are your summer plans?

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
May 9, 2018
Max Snyder, 12

Max Snyder, 12

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
April 24, 2018
Health benefits of meditation

Health benefits of meditation

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
April 18, 2018
Childhood Songs

Childhood Songs

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
April 16, 2018
Senior Leaf goes on sale April 23

Senior Leaf goes on sale April 23

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
April 12, 2018
Dogs and their people: statistics quiz

Dogs and their people: statistics quiz

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
March 20, 2018
Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick’s Day

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
March 13, 2018
GROWING UP. Teens enter adulthood at the age of 18, yet they are still children. Moving the legal age to 21 can help aid the difficult transition into the adult world. The drinking age is 21 for many health reasons, so the legal age should follow suit.

The barrier into adulthood

Legal age should be moved to 21
Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
March 9, 2018
TRAILBLAZER. As an important political figure in the 20th century, Margaret Chase Smith furthered the identity of women and government. She was the first woman to serve in both houses of Congress and maintained a solid career in politics. Her ‘Declaration of Conscience’ impacted groups and individuals with ideas that are constantly denied spotlight and support.

Margaret Chase Smith

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
March 7, 2018
The Oscars: Fast Facts

The Oscars: Fast Facts

How much do you know about The Oscars?
Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
March 2, 2018
Pancake Day fast facts

Pancake Day fast facts

How much do you know about Sycamore's Pancake Day?
Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
March 1, 2018
AUTHOR. Oral and traditional stories play a pivotal role in preserving culture and heritage. Zora Neale Hurston captured and maintained many African American stories through her work as an author and anthropologist. As a creative in the Harlem Renaissance, Hurston was good friends with other key African American artists and authors.

Zora Neale Hurston

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 19, 2018
Olympic Fast Facts

Olympic Fast Facts

How much do you know about the Olympics?
Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 13, 2018
Valentine's Day Poll

Valentine’s Day Poll

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 9, 2018
'Swinging in the New Year'

‘Swinging in the New Year’

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 8, 2018
Adrian Oliver, 12

Adrian Oliver, 12

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 6, 2018
Ask a grown teacher: Mrs. KC Wyse

Ask a grown teacher: Mrs. KC Wyse

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
December 7, 2017
The marching band season is over, with the group performing at Lucas Oil Stadium. The group performed their show Libra in BOA Grand Nationals. Students had to learn how to balance their time with practice and school work.

‘A balancing act’

Marching band competes in Grand Nationals
Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
November 13, 2017
Strike up the band for hunger

Strike up the band for hunger

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
November 7, 2017
Halloween by the numbers

Halloween by the numbers

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 27, 2017
 The marching band performs Libra at OSU’s stadium. Following their performance, the group received personal comments from the marching band director at the school. In addition, a student in OSU’s marching band answered questions and gave information about the program. Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.

‘If the shoe fits’

Students perform Libra in Columbus
Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 20, 2017
Mr. Lonnie Stover

Mr. Lonnie Stover

Dec. 28, 1966-Oct. 8, 2017
Natalie Brinkman and Kirsten Thomas
October 13, 2017
Ask a grown teacher: Mr. Tilton

Ask a grown teacher: Mr. Tilton

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 13, 2017
Locals take ‘paws’ to help others

Locals take ‘paws’ to help others

Displaced pets find new homes
Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 10, 2017
DAZZLE. Doris Day is an influential member of American media and animal rights activism. Cincinnati has honored her with a secondary name for Walnut Street downtown. Sept. 27 is also announced as Doris Day Day.

Cincinnati to commemorate Doris Day

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 28, 2017
SWEET SURPRISE. Nathan Zhang, 12, asks Lily Martinson, 12, to Homecoming using a poster and candy. “Homecoming is always a fun night. Getting to dance and hang out with your friends is an experience you can’t miss during high school. [Lily] thinks blue M&Ms taste better than the other colors,” Zhang said. Many students use posters to ask their dates to prom with a silly saying, a pun, or a joke. All photos courtesy of Staff.

Students amaze with creative HOCO proposals

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 22, 2017
GET LOUD. The band attends several football games during the season to perform at pre-game, halftime, and in the stands. During pre-game, the group plays the Fight Song, the Star-Spangled Banner, and the Alma-Mater. The group aims to bring spirit to the fans in the crowd and create a loud dynamic for the game. All photos courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.

Half-time heroes

Crowd gains spirit from marching band
Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 19, 2017
More about Homecoming Spirit Week

More about Homecoming Spirit Week

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 15, 2017
GOT CHEER. The marching band performed at its first football game on Fri. Sept. 8. In full uniform, the group provided the fans in the stands with an impactful beginning to the football and marching season. A loud roar erupted from the crowd as the band started with their performance. PHOTO PROVIDED.

Libra wows at first competition

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 11, 2017
Marching band performs first competition

Marching band performs first competition

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 8, 2017

ACE bell fostering new connections

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
May 25, 2017
8 things to do before you graduate

8 things to do before you graduate

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-In-Chief
April 18, 2017
WHAT COMES NEXT. Students in marching band are preparing for their next season. The theme for next year’s show, Libra, was released on March 31 at the open house. Hints were released on the band’s Twitter page.

Marching band announces theme

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
April 3, 2017
"Offering the Panal to the Bullfighter", 1872-1873. Cassat was an American painter, part of the Impressionist movement. Cassatt's work focused on motherhood and women, especially on the bond between mother and child.

Mary Cassatt

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
March 15, 2017
"The Sycamore Leaf" App!

“The Sycamore Leaf” App!

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-In-Chief
March 13, 2017
Diversity Week Overview

Diversity Week Overview

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-In-Chief
February 23, 2017
ACROSS THE RIVER. The Brent Spence Bridge that links downtown Cincinnati to Kentucky has posed severe safety concerns to those in the area. Between decay and accidents, the bridge is in need of repairs or reconstruction. Former president Barack Obama discussed the  American Jobs Act,  Sept.  22, 2011 in front of the Brent Spence Bridge.

Bridge brings far-stretching problems

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2017
Protesters with the Black Lives Matter movement. They are marching in Charlotte, N.C. They are  following the shooting death of Keith Scott by police. The Black Lives Movement has become a huge, national movement.

Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, Patrisse Cullors

Black Lives
Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 21, 2017
CUTENESS OVERLOAD. Three baby Malayan tiger cubs were just born at the Cincinnati Zoo. As part of an endangered species, the babies are extremely important for diversification of the species and population at the zoo. Currently, they are being cared for by zookeepers and vets in the nursery.

Tiny tigers take to Cincinnati

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 9, 2017
OH BABY. The baby hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo now has a name: Fiona. She was born six weeks early, thus needs around the clock care from vets and zookeepers. Staffers are working on getting her well enough to return to her mother.

Baby hippo receives name

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
February 2, 2017
Empowerment. The girls who participate in the Girl Scout organization are not only making friends and selling cookies but learning important and tough life skills for their future. This year, Girl Scouts is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of cookie sales. In order to commemorate the occasion, a new cookie was released.

Cookies serve as memento for celebration

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
January 13, 2017
A mural is being constructed to commemorate Cincinnati’s history in toy production. Jonathan Queen is the artist in charge with designing and planning the piece. The mural depicts various toys that Kenner Productions, a Cincinnati company, was known for.

Painters produce murals to preserve history

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
December 1, 2016
The girls in color guard perform at the homecoming game. One of the guard members, Julia You, 12, was selected as the homecoming queen. As she went through the tunnel of flags, the girls all cheered for her.

Guard glamorizes show for championships

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
November 4, 2016
Students in the marching band are heading to Disney this fall. The students will perform in EPCOT this trip. More than just another performance experience, this trip enables the members to bond.

Marching band heads to Florida

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 28, 2016
The girls in color guard are putting the final touches on their show. The marching band season is quickly coming to an end, with only two weeks left. The guard is working on their performance skills for their last competitions.

Color guard spins into season finale

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 27, 2016
The marching band performs at the postgame of the football game. The group had an eventful day leading up to their show. The group also performed at pregame with the younger band students.

Band plays at homecoming

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 12, 2016
The marching band performs at Lebanon High School. They were able to compete with all three of their songs, although they did not march all of three. The students received many accolades at the conclusion of the show.

Band performs under the lights

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
October 10, 2016
The band gets ready to perform by entering the field. This competition was the first one where they could actually compete outside. The group will perform next at Lebanon High School.

Band brings spirit to competition

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 30, 2016
The marching band performs at halftime during football games, a tradition that brings a wave of school enthusiasm and practice for competitions. On September 16, the band accompanied the football team at a home game against Hamilton; their marching band was also attending. Home games enable the band to perform for their own friends and families. All photos courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.

Bands brings spirit to football games

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 27, 2016
At King’s High School, the marching band performs indoors. Rain, thunder, and lightening prevented the students from competing on their typical football field. It was a new experience for all of the freshman through seniors.

Band gains because of rains

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 19, 2016
SHS Marching Band presents Vortex

SHS Marching Band presents Vortex

Natalie Brinkman, Print Editor-in-Chief
September 9, 2016
Sophomores in accelerated chemistry classes are making tie-dye shirts before spring break. This project will take a day to complete. This fun activity will pull both chemistry concepts and fun to create an ultimate learning experience.

Chemistry classes color clothing

Natalie Brinkman, Opinion Chief
February 29, 2016
Sophomores are reading A Tale of Two Cities. The book is about the French Revolution and the parallel situation in London. The students formed reading groups to help remove confusion.

Book ties in two topics

Natalie Brinkman, Opinion Chief
January 22, 2016
Space weather effects life here on earth. People monitor space weather and can provide warnings if danger is near. It is unknown to many, but space weather exists.

Space storms stir up issues

Natalie Brinkman, Opinion Chief
December 17, 2015
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Natalie Brinkman