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  • April 5 - Relay for Life @ 3 pm
  • April 8 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - April 18 - Spring Holiday Day
  • April 23 - Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
  • April 24 - 26 - Theatre Spring Show @ 7 pm
  • April 29 - Underclassman Award Ceremony @ 8 am
  • April 30 - Orchestra Concert @ 7 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Emily Chien

Emily Chien, Media Director

Hello! My name is Emily Chien and I am a senior at Sycamore High School.
It is my fourth year on staff of The Leaf, our national, award-winning, student-run publication.
This year, I am working alongside my friends and peers as Media Director. My duties include marketing The Leaf’s social media, creating, designing and video content, and leading overall media production. I also co-produce a bi-monthly video that highlights special students around SHS. These experiences have allowed me to learn Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator, as well as Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro.
When I’m not writing, designing or editing for The Leaf, I spend my spare time running a weekly Meditation Group, negotiating in Model UN, and working tirelessly on artistic projects for AP art and more. I have quite a passion for design, and am always learning and trying new things.
The reason I participate in The Leaf and Leaflet is because of the amazing feeling completing and publishing your work gives you. The only way to achieve that feeling, however, is through hard work and dedication.
In the future, I plan on majoring in graphic design and learning how to convey messages visually, which I get a lot of practice with on The Leaf staff.
In the high school, I am able to make a difference as well as express myself through our amazing art program. So far, I have created portraits for children in impoverished countries, painted landscapes for children living at the Ronald McDonald house, and filmed videos for service .
I am also an avid traveler, as my dad currently lives in Sydney, Australia and has lived in Singapore. I believe that through travel, personal expression, and hard-work, I can make a difference.

All content by Emily Chien
Yasmine Guedira, 12

Yasmine Guedira, 12

Emily Chien, Media Director
April 30, 2018
Currently, "Nice For What" remains number one on the Billboard 100 Chart. It has made a splash in the pop and R&B world as one of the most influential rappers of the generation sends an empowering message to women. “I absolutely love the new music from Drake. ‘Nice For What’ is a bop, and the lyrics make me feel good about where we are as women," said Kiri Wang, 12.

Feminist music takes pop culture

Emily Chien, Media Director
April 27, 2018
‘There will always be evil...’

‘There will always be evil…’

Perspectives of students who did not walk out
Emily Chien, Media Director
March 29, 2018
NUMBER ONE. On her first day of school, angry shouts from picketers disturbed the integration process. Ruby, only six- years- old at the time, believed that the people were only celebrating Mardi Gras. “There was a large crowd of people outside of the school. They were throwing things and shouting, and that sort of goes on in New Orleans at Mardi Gras,” said Bridges later in life.

Ruby Bridges

Emily Chien, Media Director
March 16, 2018
TAKING ON WATERCOLOR. Opening night takes off with a bang at 5:30 p.m. on Fri. March 2, with four demos and tours occurring throughout the duration of the night. Senior Serhiy Royter showed little kids and families how to use the wheel. The most popular demo was watercolor painting, in which seniors Melinda Looney and Adhiti Chundur walked three different groups of young and aspiring artists through the basics. “It was so fun doing the demos. The little kids were so enthusiastic about learning and trying something new,” Looney said.

[Photo] Fine Arts Weekend wows community

Harsimran Makkad, Executive Web Editor-in-Chief
March 5, 2018
GROUNDBREAKER. Much of Rhimes' work tackles race and gender issues. As a result, she has gained numerous accolades for her work. Some include several GLAAD Media and NAACP Image Awards.

Shonda Rhimes

Emily Chien, Media Director
February 26, 2018
Social media calls for action

Social media calls for action

Twitter revolution
Emily Chien, Media Director
February 21, 2018
Ryan Tufts, 12

Ryan Tufts, 12

Emily Chien, Media Director
February 9, 2018
RESOLUTION. “This year, I do not have a resolution- I just have tons of goals for the future. Actually, it does not even have to be this year. It could be tomorrow or after graduation or anything,” said Thea Ferdinand, 12.

How to make most of New Year

Emily Chien, Media Director
January 16, 2018
BLOCK IT LIKE IT'S HOT. The basketball team competed against Milford as the main event of the night. The teams brought their all, so it kept fans on their feet. “The game was super exciting and kept the audience on their toes,” said Shannon Glass, 12.

Flight Night brings Aves together

Emily Chien, Media Director
January 5, 2018

Heartwarming heroes

Routine blood donations save lives
Emily Chien, Media Director
November 13, 2017
How well do you know pop culture?

How well do you know pop culture?

Emily Chien, Video Editor
September 18, 2017
Malala Yousafzai is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace prize. She is a women and children’s education activist. She was shot by the Taliban in 2012 but has since recovered to give speeches and publish an autobiography.

Malala Yousafzai

Emily Chien, Leaflet Managing Editor
March 2, 2017
Williams just became the most decorated female tennis player of all time. She just won her 23rd Grand Slam Title in the Australian Open. Steffi Graf previously held the honor.

Serena Williams

Emily Chien, Leaflet Managing Editor
February 2, 2017
SHEDDING LIGHT. Staffers and editors alike not only put together pages, but must make sure the pages highlight the most proximal, timely, and prominent stories. In-depth stories and interviews alike require hard work, discipline and a certain drive staffers learn to have. “As an editor and even as just a staff writer, this class is an extracurricular activity in itself. We spend long days and nights outside of school to create something worth reading,” said Benjamin Ruskin, 12.

‘The Leaf’ staffers work around clock

Emily Chien, Leaflet Managing Editor
December 20, 2016
“I, like many others, am personally offended that he got out of jail so early. Women and men everywhere cannot and do not tolerate such a lenient sentence. On social media and in real life, people have been giving him quite a hard time for his unacceptable actions,” said Wang.

Stanford rapist’s release causes outcry

Emily Chien, Managing Leaflet Editor
September 13, 2016
Emily Chien

Students strive to end youth homelessness

Emily Chien, Leaflet Managing Editor
May 11, 2016
Kidd said, “It was hard work, but I am sure it will be worth it. If I do not get in, it will be okay, too, but I would love to go to Quantico. Overall, this experience has been memorable.”

SHS takes on the FBI

Emily Chien, Managing Leaflet Editor
May 3, 2016
A day in the life of a vegan

A day in the life of a vegan

Emily Chien, Managing Leaflet Editor
April 22, 2016
A total of 35 people were killed on March 22 in the most deadly terror attack Belgium has ever seen. 94 others remain in the hospital after this coordinated suicide attack in their airport’s departure hall as well as in a metro station. The Islamic State has taken responsibility.

Spring break trips safely return home

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
April 8, 2016
CSYO is the youth version of Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (CSO). CSYO and CSO perform together once a year at Music Hall as a special event. Additionally, each year, they have five to eight concerts and occasionally tour the country.

Sit-down with Kiri Wang

Student takes orchestra to next level
Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
March 29, 2016
It is important to know which days of the week that a  thrift store has their best deals. Some have storewide sales every week. Sometimes you can find the best items in places far out of your comfort zone.

Turning trash into treasure

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
March 10, 2016
Idelman said, “Sightseeing as well as experiencing the culture of another country is important to me. I want to be able to do both. I honestly cannot believe this trip is coming so soon.”

Europe trip approaches, sparks excitement

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
March 7, 2016
Established by Margaret Sanger as far back as 1916, Planned Parenthood originated as a small birth control clinic which caused for her and her sister’s arrest. However, this case caused a dramatic change in the government’s views on women’s health. Nowadays, it is currently the largest single provider of reproductive health services.

Tides turn in case against Planned Parenthood

Emily Chien, Leaflet Writer/Designer
February 5, 2016
Charles Dickens is a 19th century novelist who is considered one of the greatest writers of all time. Having been born into a working class family, he got a first-hand view of the poverty and despair that plagued his society which inspired many of his works. In writing A Tale of Two Cities, he got inspiration for the main character from his own love, Ellen Turnan, a young actress.

Sophomores read into past

Emily Chien, Leaflet Writer/Designer
January 26, 2016
Sophomore Thea Ferdinand said, “This year, I do not have a resolution- I just have tons of goals for the future. Actually, it does not even have to be this year. It could be tomorrow or after graduation or anything.”

How to make most of New Year

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
January 15, 2016
Sophomore Keren Idelman said, “I never want to get too caught up in my own issues. Travelling has made me realize that I want to help those in these situations by volunteering and selecting a career that benefits them. I truly am thankful for what I have.”

World travel changes perspective

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
January 13, 2016
Reduce, reuse, recycle

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
December 15, 2015
Traditionally, French fondue is a dish that utilizes melted cheese in a communal pot. Food items such as bread are dipped in the cheese and enjoyed by a variety of different cultures like the French, Swiss, and Italian. The dish was finally popularized in North America in the 1930s.

French Club fondue melts hearts

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
December 2, 2015
ReDo Day staff said, “The premise of ReDo Day is to provide students with the opportunity to realize they possess the power to make permanent, positive, cultural change in their schools and communities. At the end of the day students are asked to develop a ‘Take Action Plan’ to help them move forward with positive behaviors that both give and get respect. These activities are instrumental in breaking down stereotypes and fostering connections between students.”

Students learn to ‘Respect Everyone Despite Odds’

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
November 17, 2015
Experiences in high school can shape the rest of a person’s life. They can either have a negative effect or a positive, so make the most of the time there is. While young, opportunities seem to be locked away until adulthood; but, by checking these items off a bucket list, life can be adventurous and exciting even as a student.

Enhance high school bucket list

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
November 2, 2015
Old SAT vs. New SAT

Old SAT vs. New SAT

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
October 29, 2015


Fall brings fashion opportunities
Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
October 21, 2015
Teens need sleep

Teens need sleep

Teenagers live on less sleep
Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/ Writer
October 12, 2015
Hanisch said, “My classmates, Genesis Combs and Julia Metalitskaya, had so much fun doing Twin day. They are best friends and I know they always like to do these sort of things together. I am excited to see what they come up with the rest of the week.”

Bringing students together

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
October 9, 2015
Sophomore Kiri Wang said, “The window I am assigned to paint is for a four-year-old with a brain tumor and his family. I am very honored that his family asked me to paint a window that represents their dream backyard. I hope my painting can turn into reality when they can finally go home.”

Windows of Hope looks toward future

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
October 7, 2015
Summit Park already features a family-friendly dog park. Additionally, its long stretches of road that airplanes used for taking-off and landing make long walks with family easy. The sky is always visible in the vast space.

Summit park arises from ashes of airport

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer
September 24, 2015
After the attack, security in the United States heightens. In fact, the government started stressing immigrant issues, airport security, and other potential threats. Despite this, people remember the period after as a united, loving, and silent time.

Looking back at 9/11

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer
September 11, 2015
According to NCHV, what veterans are in need of is secure housing, nutritional meals. As well, basic physical health care, substance abuse care and aftercare are necessary. And, something many will need most, mental health counseling, personal development and empowerment.

Homeless veterans fill shelters

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
May 29, 2015
Baltimore Riots

Baltimore Riots

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
May 15, 2015
United for Uganda benefit concert rocks on

United for Uganda benefit concert rocks on

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
May 15, 2015
U4U concert rocks on

U4U concert rocks on

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
April 25, 2015
As more cultures blend throughout the world, mixed race people are becoming more and more common. In the 2000 census, 6,368,075 people in America claimed to be biracial, according to Census Scope. This number is on the rise as issues like discrimination and racism decrease.

Struggling with a biracial identity

Emily Chien, Leaflet Designer/Writer
April 23, 2015
From strollers to grandparents, all ages are welcome. Plenty of races allow walkers and runners alike to make the festivities enjoyable to anyone. In fact, kids’ races are common too, letting the young kids have fun without being too hardcore.

5K season takes flight

Emily Chien, Staff Writer
March 20, 2015
It is almost springtime, as it will begin on March 20. Students look forward to taking time during Spring Break to relax with family and friends. The week is spent traveling, sleeping in, and spending quality time on break.

Spring has sprung

Winter comes to close, spring begins
Emily Chien, Staff Writer
March 12, 2015
Standardized testing overloads

Standardized testing overloads

Emily Chien, Staff Writer
February 26, 2015
The hundred year old feminist movement’s response to the oppression is bitter. Often, feminists even create sarcastic parodies of the ‘meninist’ parodies. Each parody starts another, and in the end, might make the true meaning of feminism go rogue.

‘Meninists’ take over media

Emily Chien, Staff Writer
February 13, 2015
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Emily Chien