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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Caroline Bruns

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster

Hi, I’m Caroline Bruns and I’m a senior at Sycamore high school! I’ve been on the SHSLeaf Staff since sophomore year. After learning the tricks of the trade from some experienced mentors, I began to find my own way in this journalism class. Sophomore year I focused heavily on the website, learning how to embed external links, create and modify a website, and publish student works on our nationally recognized site. Junior year I held the position of Web Editor-in-chief. This year I am Webmaster. The job title is very cool, but it basically means that I oversee all publications and modifications on the website, as well as publishing works and communicating with WordPress representatives. If you scroll through my articles, you will see that I am an avid writer of sports (especially cross country); this is because I am the captain of the women’s cross country team. Although I am usually an online writer, I have been published multiple times in our student newspaper, The Leaf, and our online news magazine, The Leaflet. I pride myself in my ability to use Adobe Indesign, Illustrator, Premiere, and Photoshop to set up pages, edit photos, and create interesting media for our readers. In the future, I hope to study business and marketing. Eventually, I hope to become an international business representative or work for P&G. A few more things about myself… I am a member of NHS, an avid skier, a dog enthusiast, and a lover of Ernest Hemmingway. I am also a student council rep. for the senior class, and head of the StuCo social committee. Outside of school, I play rec soccer, hammock often with friends, and run. My favorite quote is, “The only time you can’t find a four leaf clover is when you stop looking for one” – Joe Rantz.

All content by Caroline Bruns
POUR. Student Council students have been filling bottles for days, getting their hair, clothing and hands completely covered in the colorful dust. They started with red and yellow, then moved to blue and green for filling. “It was really fun to fill up the bottles. The one problem was that it was windy in the courtyard, so a lot of the dust blew into my hair and onto my clothes. Luckily, it’s all washable so I don’t really need to worry about it,” said Taylor Miller, 10.

Prepping for a Cause

Student Council prepares powdered paint for Color for a Cause
Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
March 29, 2017
 Cross country girls giggle their way to sports awards. They enjoy the company of their team one last official time. All the girls enjoyed the night.

Saying goodbye

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
December 20, 2016
Finding a present atop your desk can be extremely exciting. Many times, students will deliver them via friends or acquaintances so that the identity of the giver remains secret. Usually these gifts include food or games that can be utilized by the student.

Secret Santa brings cheer

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
December 15, 2016
Students collaborated with staff and the NFL to create a promotional video for healthy activity in school, and outside of school. Multiple Bengals players visited the school for this, as well as two Ben-gals and Who-Dey, the Bengals mascot. They all worked together, having fun and staying healthy throughout the day.

Sycamore fuels up, plays

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
December 8, 2016
Tufts is sorting through clothes for the group Community Matters. They have a laundromat, an education system and a food pantry. “The major thing about service learning is that you form really strong relationships with the people that you do it with. I did Mayerson with a couple of seniors and a couple of juniors who I now still have contact with even if they’ve gone to college. One of my friends Adhiti, I got to know much better from the program,” Tufts said.

Helping people in Community actually Matters

Volunteering at Community Matters
Caroline Bruns and Hannah Loftspring
November 28, 2016
Many days after school, many students have been staying to create powerful posters that promote love and acceptance. They used sources such a pinterest, google, and their own creativity to come up with their posters. Many other students have become interested in joining the movement and filling the school with love; there may be a club created to do just that.

Students build wall…of love

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
November 21, 2016
DINNER TIME. Each Friday before a Saturday race, the cross country team goes to a member’s house to have dinner. The dinner usually consists of spaghetti, meatballs, fruit, vegetables and most importantly, dessert.

Normal cross country night

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
November 17, 2016
 The senior girls dressed up for their senior night. Many shed tears as they said goodbye to their season and teammates. Although sad, they are looking forward to coming back and supporting their teammates in the future.

Tears shed at senior night

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
November 3, 2016
Seniors lockers are decorated by the underclassman as a sweet surprise. They contain inside jokes and great works of art. Small teams of girls decorate the lockers to get them finished more efficiently.

Underclassman love seniors

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
October 21, 2016
 Runners work hard to stay fit. They participate in many after school runs and also stay active on the weekends. Each athlete is determined to improve.

Runners stay fit

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
April 13, 2016
The students had a large lunch. They all gathered to read poetry and enjoy company. All AP classes participated.

AP Language lunch

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
April 5, 2016
Snow facts

Snow facts

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
February 18, 2016
Twenty One Pilots and Walk the Moon draw large crowds. Both were sold out when they came to Cincinnati. This year, Twenty One Pilots will be coming to the U.S. Bank Arena on Tues., May 31, 2016; many Sycamore students will be in attendance.

Local bands make it big

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
February 5, 2016
Fast ski facts

Fast ski facts

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
January 25, 2016
All the racers begin to do strides to warm up. They figure out where the entering point for the course is and also begin to plan their strategies for the race. Each runner also makes sure to double-tie their spikes so they do not lose a shoe in the creeks and mud.

Cross Country girls stride into meets

Caroline Bruns, Web Editor-In-Chief
January 19, 2016
Television is a very popular pass time. Now, Netflix is becoming more and more popular.  This influx can cause many issues.

TV affects brain, body

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
December 18, 2015
How to prepare for exams

How to prepare for exams

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
December 15, 2015
Sleep Stats

Sleep Stats

How sleep deprivation can affect you
Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
November 18, 2015
The cross country team and their seniors pose for a picture after a Friday morning practice. They are all wearing buckeye running shirt, skirts, jeans, long socks and sandals for their senior night. They wore this outfit throughout the entire school day.

Sports awards coming soon

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
November 3, 2015
Not only are farms great for enjoys fall, but so are parks and the outdoors in general. As the leaves fall, animals are easy to spot. This weather change also is  a great time to have bonfires with friends.

October arises fall fun

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
October 13, 2015
 Fall creates a multitude of beautiful colors. The leaves and trees getting ready for winter are pretty. Student enjoy watching the seasons change.

What makes autumn so grand

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
October 12, 2015
SHS houses seventeen national merit semi-finalists. These are students who did well on the PSAT with a score of over 215.

National Merit semi-finalists

Caroline Bruns, Webmaster
September 9, 2015
The secret to being good at the game is being sneaky. Many students have been being secretive when it comes to the game. It’s hard to sneak around your classmates without being suspected, which is what makes the game so intriguing.

Students enjoy class game

Caroline Bruns, Staff Writer
April 16, 2015
As the walkers waited for the walk to start, many people enjoyed observing downtown Cincinnati. At 12:00pm balloons were let off and the walk began. The course went over the highway and gave the people exercising a great view of the Ohio River.

Getting Your Heart Pumping

People of Cincinnati walking for the American Heart Association
Caroline Bruns
March 23, 2015
Students flock to parks to enjoy the warm weather. Hannah Loftspring and Sophia Wiedmann enjoyed Summit Park, along with Junior Olivia Wiedmann. They took many photos to capture the memory of a nice day.

‘It’s practically shorts weather’

40 degrees weather leaves students smiling
Caroline Bruns, Staff Writer
March 13, 2015
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Caroline Bruns